Full Text
CHEGA! A sceptre of the mainstream Portuguese parties' disaggregation or a spectre of fascism?
Carlos Morgado Braz, University of South Wales
Aalberg, T.; Esser, F.; Reinemann, C.; Stromback, J. & De Vreese, C. (Eds.) (2016). Populist Political Communication in Europe. New York: Routledge, 353–364.
Abou-Chadi, T. & Hix, S. (2021). Brahmin Left versus Merchant Right? Education, class, multiparty competition, and redistribution in Western Europe. Brahmin Journal of Sociology, 72, 79–92.
Akkerman, A.; Mudde, C. & Zaslove, A. (2014). How Populist Are the People? Measuring Populist Attitudes in Voters. Comparative Political Studies, 47(9), 1324–1353.
Alves, M. (2020). Gays, mulheres submissas e sida – Os livros de André Ventura. Revista Sábado. https://www.sabado.pt/vida/detalhe/gays-mulheres-submissas-e-sida-os-livros-de-andre-ventura.
Antunes, R. (2022). Chega consegue melhores resultados nos concelhos com menor poder de compra. Jornal Público. https://www.publico.pt/2022/01/31/politica/noticia/chega-consegue-melhores-resultados-concelhos-menor-compra-1993728.
Aslanis, P. (2016). Is Populism an Ideology? A Refutation and a New Perspective. Political Studies, 64, 88–104.
ATREVIA (2022). Portuguese legislative elections 2022: results and analysis. https://www.atrevia.com/en/news-atrevia/portuguese-legislative-elections-2022-results-and-analysis/.
Caeiro, M. (2020). Media and populism: in search of the roots of the exceptionality of the Portuguese case. Revista de Relações Internacionais, 101–114.
Carreira da Silva, F. & Salgado, S. (2018). Why no populism in Portugal?. In Lobo, C.; Carreira da Silva, F. & Zúquete, J. (Eds.), Changing societies: legacies and challenges. Citizenship in crisis. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 249–268.
Carvalho, M. (2020). Ameaças, jogos de poder e ligações perigosas do Chega. Revista Visão. https://visao.sapo.pt/atualidade/politica/2020-12-09-investigacao-ameacas-jogos-de-poder-e-ligacoes-perigosas-do-chega.
Carvalho, P. (2019). Há minorias que se acham acima da lei. Temos tido excessiva tolerância. Notícias ao Minuto. https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/politica/829810/ha-minorias-que-se-acham-acima-da-lei-temos-tido-excessiva-tolerancia.
Coelho, L. (2019). Quem é o ideólogo na sombra de André Ventura? Jornal Expresso. https://expresso.pt/politica/2019-12-15-Quem-e-o-ideologo-na-sombra-de-Andre-Ventura–Da-direita-armada-ao-programa-do-Chega.
De Giorgi, E. & Cancela, J. (2019). The Portuguese radical left parties supporting government: from policy-takers to policymakers? Government and Opposition, 1–20.
De Lange, S. (2007). A New Winning Formula? The Programmatic Appeal of the Radical Right. Party Politics, 13(4), 411–435.
Dennison, J. & Mendes, S. (2020). Explaining the emergence of the radical right in Spain and Portugal: Salience, stigma and supply. West European Politics, 1–24.
Eatwell, R. & Goodwin, M. (2018). National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal. London: Pelican Publisher.
Fernandes, J. (2011). The 2011 Portuguese Election: Looking for a Way Out. West European Politics, 34(6), 1296–1303.
Fernandes, J. & Magalhães, P. (2020). The 2019 Portuguese general elections. West European Politics, 43(4), 1038–1050.
Fernandes, J.; Magalhães, P. & Santana-Pereira, J. (2018). Portugal’s Leftist Government: From Sick Man to Poster Boy? South European Society and Politics, 23(4), 503–524.
Finchelstein, F. (2019). From Fascism to Populism in History. California: University of California Press.
Foucault, M. (2001). Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984 Volume III. In Faubion, D. (Ed.), Michel Foucault: Power. London: Penguin Books.
Fraser, N. (2017). From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump – and Beyond. American Affairs, 20, 1–30.
Garoupa, N. (2018). A Direita portuguesa – da decomposição à frustração. Lisboa: EGO Editora.
Goldberg, A. (2020). The evolution of cleavage voting in four Western countries: Structural, behavioural or political dealignment. European Journal of Political Research, 59, 68–90.
Golder, M. (2016). Far-right parties in Europe. Annual Review of Political Science, 19, 477–497.
Gomes, H. (2021). A noite em que Ventura o “obviamente demito-me!” num “PSD ouve bem”. Jornal Expresso. https://expresso.pt/presidenciais2021/2021-01-25-A-noite-em-que-Ventura-transformou-o-obviamente-demito-me-num-PSD-ouve-bem.
Guimarães, A. (2022). Como Costa “ganha e perde” por ter excluído o Chega da reunião com os partidos. E como Ventura só ganha. CNN Portugal. https://cnnportugal.iol.pt/novo-governo/antonio-costa/como-costa-ganha-e-perde-por-ter-excluido-o-chega-da-reuniao-com-os-partidos-e-como-ventura-so-ganha-e-nao-perde/20281231/62026ab60cf21847f0a9d753.
Inácio, A. (2021). O fim da Geringonça: episódios que desgastaram casamento de conveniência. Jornal de Notícias. https://www.jn.pt/nacional/o-fim-da-geringonca-episodios-que-desgastaram-casamento-de-conveniencia-14264520.htm.
Jensen, C. & Lee, D. (2021). Potential centrifugal effects of majoritarian features in proportional electoral systems. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 29(1), 1–21.
Manoel, L.; Costa, A. & Cabral, P. (2021). Voter Turnout in Portugal: A Geographical Perspective. Papers in Applied Geography, 8(1), 88–111.
Marchi, R. (2020). A nova direita anti-sistema: o caso do Chega. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Mendes, C. (2020). O populismo da direita no Facebook. A campanha eleitoral do Chega para as eleições legislativas de 2019. Dissertação de Mestrado. Lisboa: ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. https://repositorio.iscte-iul.pt/handle/10071/21096.
Mendes, M. (2021). The rise of Chega and the end of the Portuguese exceptionalism. The London School of Economics and Political Science. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2021/01/21/the-rise-of-chega-and-the-end-of-portuguese-exceptionalism.
Moffitt, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation. Cambridge: Stanford University Press.
Mouffe, C. (2018). For a left populism. London: Verso.
Mudde, C. (2014). Fighting the system? Populist radical right parties and party system change. Party Politics, 20(2), 217–226.
MPF (2019). Manifesto Político Fundador. https://partidochega.pt/manifesto/.
Pappas, T. (2019). Populism and Liberal Democracy: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pinto, J. (2022). As Europas e os novíssimos príncipes – Os escândalos populistas. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Polyakova, A. & Fligstein, N. (2015). Is European integration causing Europe to become more nationalist? Evidence from the 2007–9 financial crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 60–83.
Rydgren, J. (2007). The Sociology of the Radical Right. Annual Review of Sociology, 33, 241–262.
Santana-Pereira, J. & Cancela, J. (2020). Demand without supply? Populist attitudes and voting behaviour in post-bailout Portugal. South European Society and Politics, 25(2), 207–230.
Santos, N. (2019). Tese de doutoramento de André Ventura critica “populismo penal” e “estigmatização de minorias”. Jornal Público. https://www.publico.pt/2019/11/02/politica/noticia/tese-doutoramento-andre-ventura-critica-aproveitamento-politico-vontade-punicao-1892226.
Urbinati, N. (2019). Me the people. How populism transforms democracy. London: Harvard University Press.
Violante, T. (2022). Posição de Costa sobre Chega implica considerar que “tem uma dignidade parlamentar inferior aos restantes”. Revista Sábado. https://www.sabado.pt/video/detalhe/teresa-violante-posicao-de-costa-sobre-chega-implica-considerar-que-tem-uma-dignidade-parlamentar-inferior-aos-restantes.
Wodak, R. & Krzyżanowski, M. (2017). Right-wing populism in Europe & USA: Contesting politics & discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 16 (4), 471–484.
Full Text
CHEGA! A sceptre of the mainstream Portuguese parties' disaggregation or a spectre of fascism?
Carlos Morgado Braz, University of South Wales
Aalberg, T.; Esser, F.; Reinemann, C.; Stromback, J. & De Vreese, C. (Eds.) (2016). Populist Political Communication in Europe. New York: Routledge, 353–364.
Abou-Chadi, T. & Hix, S. (2021). Brahmin Left versus Merchant Right? Education, class, multiparty competition, and redistribution in Western Europe. Brahmin Journal of Sociology, 72, 79–92.
Akkerman, A.; Mudde, C. & Zaslove, A. (2014). How Populist Are the People? Measuring Populist Attitudes in Voters. Comparative Political Studies, 47(9), 1324–1353.
Alves, M. (2020). Gays, mulheres submissas e sida – Os livros de André Ventura. Revista Sábado. https://www.sabado.pt/vida/detalhe/gays-mulheres-submissas-e-sida-os-livros-de-andre-ventura.
Antunes, R. (2022). Chega consegue melhores resultados nos concelhos com menor poder de compra. Jornal Público. https://www.publico.pt/2022/01/31/politica/noticia/chega-consegue-melhores-resultados-concelhos-menor-compra-1993728.
Aslanis, P. (2016). Is Populism an Ideology? A Refutation and a New Perspective. Political Studies, 64, 88–104.
ATREVIA (2022). Portuguese legislative elections 2022: results and analysis. https://www.atrevia.com/en/news-atrevia/portuguese-legislative-elections-2022-results-and-analysis/.
Caeiro, M. (2020). Media and populism: in search of the roots of the exceptionality of the Portuguese case. Revista de Relações Internacionais, 101–114.
Carreira da Silva, F. & Salgado, S. (2018). Why no populism in Portugal?. In Lobo, C.; Carreira da Silva, F. & Zúquete, J. (Eds.), Changing societies: legacies and challenges. Citizenship in crisis. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 249–268.
Carvalho, M. (2020). Ameaças, jogos de poder e ligações perigosas do Chega. Revista Visão. https://visao.sapo.pt/atualidade/politica/2020-12-09-investigacao-ameacas-jogos-de-poder-e-ligacoes-perigosas-do-chega.
Carvalho, P. (2019). Há minorias que se acham acima da lei. Temos tido excessiva tolerância. Notícias ao Minuto. https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/politica/829810/ha-minorias-que-se-acham-acima-da-lei-temos-tido-excessiva-tolerancia.
Coelho, L. (2019). Quem é o ideólogo na sombra de André Ventura? Jornal Expresso. https://expresso.pt/politica/2019-12-15-Quem-e-o-ideologo-na-sombra-de-Andre-Ventura–Da-direita-armada-ao-programa-do-Chega.
De Giorgi, E. & Cancela, J. (2019). The Portuguese radical left parties supporting government: from policy-takers to policymakers? Government and Opposition, 1–20.
De Lange, S. (2007). A New Winning Formula? The Programmatic Appeal of the Radical Right. Party Politics, 13(4), 411–435.
Dennison, J. & Mendes, S. (2020). Explaining the emergence of the radical right in Spain and Portugal: Salience, stigma and supply. West European Politics, 1–24.
Eatwell, R. & Goodwin, M. (2018). National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal. London: Pelican Publisher.
Fernandes, J. (2011). The 2011 Portuguese Election: Looking for a Way Out. West European Politics, 34(6), 1296–1303.
Fernandes, J. & Magalhães, P. (2020). The 2019 Portuguese general elections. West European Politics, 43(4), 1038–1050.
Fernandes, J.; Magalhães, P. & Santana-Pereira, J. (2018). Portugal’s Leftist Government: From Sick Man to Poster Boy? South European Society and Politics, 23(4), 503–524.
Finchelstein, F. (2019). From Fascism to Populism in History. California: University of California Press.
Foucault, M. (2001). Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984 Volume III. In Faubion, D. (Ed.), Michel Foucault: Power. London: Penguin Books.
Fraser, N. (2017). From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump – and Beyond. American Affairs, 20, 1–30.
Garoupa, N. (2018). A Direita portuguesa – da decomposição à frustração. Lisboa: EGO Editora.
Goldberg, A. (2020). The evolution of cleavage voting in four Western countries: Structural, behavioural or political dealignment. European Journal of Political Research, 59, 68–90.
Golder, M. (2016). Far-right parties in Europe. Annual Review of Political Science, 19, 477–497.
Gomes, H. (2021). A noite em que Ventura o “obviamente demito-me!” num “PSD ouve bem”. Jornal Expresso. https://expresso.pt/presidenciais2021/2021-01-25-A-noite-em-que-Ventura-transformou-o-obviamente-demito-me-num-PSD-ouve-bem.
Guimarães, A. (2022). Como Costa “ganha e perde” por ter excluído o Chega da reunião com os partidos. E como Ventura só ganha. CNN Portugal. https://cnnportugal.iol.pt/novo-governo/antonio-costa/como-costa-ganha-e-perde-por-ter-excluido-o-chega-da-reuniao-com-os-partidos-e-como-ventura-so-ganha-e-nao-perde/20281231/62026ab60cf21847f0a9d753.
Inácio, A. (2021). O fim da Geringonça: episódios que desgastaram casamento de conveniência. Jornal de Notícias. https://www.jn.pt/nacional/o-fim-da-geringonca-episodios-que-desgastaram-casamento-de-conveniencia-14264520.htm.
Jensen, C. & Lee, D. (2021). Potential centrifugal effects of majoritarian features in proportional electoral systems. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 29(1), 1–21.
Manoel, L.; Costa, A. & Cabral, P. (2021). Voter Turnout in Portugal: A Geographical Perspective. Papers in Applied Geography, 8(1), 88–111.
Marchi, R. (2020). A nova direita anti-sistema: o caso do Chega. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Mendes, C. (2020). O populismo da direita no Facebook. A campanha eleitoral do Chega para as eleições legislativas de 2019. Dissertação de Mestrado. Lisboa: ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. https://repositorio.iscte-iul.pt/handle/10071/21096.
Mendes, M. (2021). The rise of Chega and the end of the Portuguese exceptionalism. The London School of Economics and Political Science. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2021/01/21/the-rise-of-chega-and-the-end-of-portuguese-exceptionalism.
Moffitt, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation. Cambridge: Stanford University Press.
Mouffe, C. (2018). For a left populism. London: Verso.
Mudde, C. (2014). Fighting the system? Populist radical right parties and party system change. Party Politics, 20(2), 217–226.
MPF (2019). Manifesto Político Fundador. https://partidochega.pt/manifesto/.
Pappas, T. (2019). Populism and Liberal Democracy: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pinto, J. (2022). As Europas e os novíssimos príncipes – Os escândalos populistas. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Polyakova, A. & Fligstein, N. (2015). Is European integration causing Europe to become more nationalist? Evidence from the 2007–9 financial crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 60–83.
Rydgren, J. (2007). The Sociology of the Radical Right. Annual Review of Sociology, 33, 241–262.
Santana-Pereira, J. & Cancela, J. (2020). Demand without supply? Populist attitudes and voting behaviour in post-bailout Portugal. South European Society and Politics, 25(2), 207–230.
Santos, N. (2019). Tese de doutoramento de André Ventura critica “populismo penal” e “estigmatização de minorias”. Jornal Público. https://www.publico.pt/2019/11/02/politica/noticia/tese-doutoramento-andre-ventura-critica-aproveitamento-politico-vontade-punicao-1892226.
Urbinati, N. (2019). Me the people. How populism transforms democracy. London: Harvard University Press.
Violante, T. (2022). Posição de Costa sobre Chega implica considerar que “tem uma dignidade parlamentar inferior aos restantes”. Revista Sábado. https://www.sabado.pt/video/detalhe/teresa-violante-posicao-de-costa-sobre-chega-implica-considerar-que-tem-uma-dignidade-parlamentar-inferior-aos-restantes.
Wodak, R. & Krzyżanowski, M. (2017). Right-wing populism in Europe & USA: Contesting politics & discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 16 (4), 471–484.
Full Text
CHEGA! A sceptre of the mainstream Portuguese parties' disaggregation or a spectre of fascism?
Carlos Morgado Braz, University of South Wales
Aalberg, T.; Esser, F.; Reinemann, C.; Stromback, J. & De Vreese, C. (Eds.) (2016). Populist Political Communication in Europe. New York: Routledge, 353–364.
Abou-Chadi, T. & Hix, S. (2021). Brahmin Left versus Merchant Right? Education, class, multiparty competition, and redistribution in Western Europe. Brahmin Journal of Sociology, 72, 79–92.
Akkerman, A.; Mudde, C. & Zaslove, A. (2014). How Populist Are the People? Measuring Populist Attitudes in Voters. Comparative Political Studies, 47(9), 1324–1353.
Alves, M. (2020). Gays, mulheres submissas e sida – Os livros de André Ventura. Revista Sábado. https://www.sabado.pt/vida/detalhe/gays-mulheres-submissas-e-sida-os-livros-de-andre-ventura.
Antunes, R. (2022). Chega consegue melhores resultados nos concelhos com menor poder de compra. Jornal Público. https://www.publico.pt/2022/01/31/politica/noticia/chega-consegue-melhores-resultados-concelhos-menor-compra-1993728.
Aslanis, P. (2016). Is Populism an Ideology? A Refutation and a New Perspective. Political Studies, 64, 88–104.
ATREVIA (2022). Portuguese legislative elections 2022: results and analysis. https://www.atrevia.com/en/news-atrevia/portuguese-legislative-elections-2022-results-and-analysis/.
Caeiro, M. (2020). Media and populism: in search of the roots of the exceptionality of the Portuguese case. Revista de Relações Internacionais, 101–114.
Carreira da Silva, F. & Salgado, S. (2018). Why no populism in Portugal?. In Lobo, C.; Carreira da Silva, F. & Zúquete, J. (Eds.), Changing societies: legacies and challenges. Citizenship in crisis. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 249–268.
Carvalho, M. (2020). Ameaças, jogos de poder e ligações perigosas do Chega. Revista Visão. https://visao.sapo.pt/atualidade/politica/2020-12-09-investigacao-ameacas-jogos-de-poder-e-ligacoes-perigosas-do-chega.
Carvalho, P. (2019). Há minorias que se acham acima da lei. Temos tido excessiva tolerância. Notícias ao Minuto. https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/politica/829810/ha-minorias-que-se-acham-acima-da-lei-temos-tido-excessiva-tolerancia.
Coelho, L. (2019). Quem é o ideólogo na sombra de André Ventura? Jornal Expresso. https://expresso.pt/politica/2019-12-15-Quem-e-o-ideologo-na-sombra-de-Andre-Ventura–Da-direita-armada-ao-programa-do-Chega.
De Giorgi, E. & Cancela, J. (2019). The Portuguese radical left parties supporting government: from policy-takers to policymakers? Government and Opposition, 1–20.
De Lange, S. (2007). A New Winning Formula? The Programmatic Appeal of the Radical Right. Party Politics, 13(4), 411–435.
Dennison, J. & Mendes, S. (2020). Explaining the emergence of the radical right in Spain and Portugal: Salience, stigma and supply. West European Politics, 1–24.
Eatwell, R. & Goodwin, M. (2018). National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal. London: Pelican Publisher.
Fernandes, J. (2011). The 2011 Portuguese Election: Looking for a Way Out. West European Politics, 34(6), 1296–1303.
Fernandes, J. & Magalhães, P. (2020). The 2019 Portuguese general elections. West European Politics, 43(4), 1038–1050.
Fernandes, J.; Magalhães, P. & Santana-Pereira, J. (2018). Portugal’s Leftist Government: From Sick Man to Poster Boy? South European Society and Politics, 23(4), 503–524.
Finchelstein, F. (2019). From Fascism to Populism in History. California: University of California Press.
Foucault, M. (2001). Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984 Volume III. In Faubion, D. (Ed.), Michel Foucault: Power. London: Penguin Books.
Fraser, N. (2017). From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump – and Beyond. American Affairs, 20, 1–30.
Garoupa, N. (2018). A Direita portuguesa – da decomposição à frustração. Lisboa: EGO Editora.
Goldberg, A. (2020). The evolution of cleavage voting in four Western countries: Structural, behavioural or political dealignment. European Journal of Political Research, 59, 68–90.
Golder, M. (2016). Far-right parties in Europe. Annual Review of Political Science, 19, 477–497.
Gomes, H. (2021). A noite em que Ventura o “obviamente demito-me!” num “PSD ouve bem”. Jornal Expresso. https://expresso.pt/presidenciais2021/2021-01-25-A-noite-em-que-Ventura-transformou-o-obviamente-demito-me-num-PSD-ouve-bem.
Guimarães, A. (2022). Como Costa “ganha e perde” por ter excluído o Chega da reunião com os partidos. E como Ventura só ganha. CNN Portugal. https://cnnportugal.iol.pt/novo-governo/antonio-costa/como-costa-ganha-e-perde-por-ter-excluido-o-chega-da-reuniao-com-os-partidos-e-como-ventura-so-ganha-e-nao-perde/20281231/62026ab60cf21847f0a9d753.
Inácio, A. (2021). O fim da Geringonça: episódios que desgastaram casamento de conveniência. Jornal de Notícias. https://www.jn.pt/nacional/o-fim-da-geringonca-episodios-que-desgastaram-casamento-de-conveniencia-14264520.htm.
Jensen, C. & Lee, D. (2021). Potential centrifugal effects of majoritarian features in proportional electoral systems. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 29(1), 1–21.
Manoel, L.; Costa, A. & Cabral, P. (2021). Voter Turnout in Portugal: A Geographical Perspective. Papers in Applied Geography, 8(1), 88–111.
Marchi, R. (2020). A nova direita anti-sistema: o caso do Chega. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Mendes, C. (2020). O populismo da direita no Facebook. A campanha eleitoral do Chega para as eleições legislativas de 2019. Dissertação de Mestrado. Lisboa: ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. https://repositorio.iscte-iul.pt/handle/10071/21096.
Mendes, M. (2021). The rise of Chega and the end of the Portuguese exceptionalism. The London School of Economics and Political Science. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2021/01/21/the-rise-of-chega-and-the-end-of-portuguese-exceptionalism.
Moffitt, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation. Cambridge: Stanford University Press.
Mouffe, C. (2018). For a left populism. London: Verso.
Mudde, C. (2014). Fighting the system? Populist radical right parties and party system change. Party Politics, 20(2), 217–226.
MPF (2019). Manifesto Político Fundador. https://partidochega.pt/manifesto/.
Pappas, T. (2019). Populism and Liberal Democracy: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pinto, J. (2022). As Europas e os novíssimos príncipes – Os escândalos populistas. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Polyakova, A. & Fligstein, N. (2015). Is European integration causing Europe to become more nationalist? Evidence from the 2007–9 financial crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 60–83.
Rydgren, J. (2007). The Sociology of the Radical Right. Annual Review of Sociology, 33, 241–262.
Santana-Pereira, J. & Cancela, J. (2020). Demand without supply? Populist attitudes and voting behaviour in post-bailout Portugal. South European Society and Politics, 25(2), 207–230.
Santos, N. (2019). Tese de doutoramento de André Ventura critica “populismo penal” e “estigmatização de minorias”. Jornal Público. https://www.publico.pt/2019/11/02/politica/noticia/tese-doutoramento-andre-ventura-critica-aproveitamento-politico-vontade-punicao-1892226.
Urbinati, N. (2019). Me the people. How populism transforms democracy. London: Harvard University Press.
Violante, T. (2022). Posição de Costa sobre Chega implica considerar que “tem uma dignidade parlamentar inferior aos restantes”. Revista Sábado. https://www.sabado.pt/video/detalhe/teresa-violante-posicao-de-costa-sobre-chega-implica-considerar-que-tem-uma-dignidade-parlamentar-inferior-aos-restantes.
Wodak, R. & Krzyżanowski, M. (2017). Right-wing populism in Europe & USA: Contesting politics & discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 16 (4), 471–484.