
Full Text

Government participation and populist discourse transformation of radical left SYRIZA and radical right ANEL

Alexandros Ntaflos, Leiden University

This study examines how the government participation within an EU country can affect the discourse of the left-wing and right-wing populist parties. We analyzed this question by tracing two Greek populist parties’ discourse, the left-wing Syriza and the right-wing Independent Greeks (Anel), during the 2012-2019 period. We have split the examined period into two subperiods (2012 to July 2015, and August 2015 to 2019). The turning point was the Syriza-Anel government’s signature of the third EU bailout program in August 2015. The first hypothesis was that the government accession within the EU context would slightly decrease the populist logic of the two parties. The next two hypotheses referred that the EU leverage emerged by the signing of the bailout agreement will decrease the populist rhetoric of the two parties towards the external elites (mainly the EU). However, the right-wing populists (Anel)- even after this decrease- will target the external elites to a larger extent than the left-wing populists. To examine the hypotheses in-depth, we applied a combination of quantitative content analysis with qualitative discourse analysis. The findings have corroborated our three initial hypotheses. Simultaneously, the qualitative discourse analysis offered us some additional findings concerning the two parties’ use of topos of “History” to increase their populist appeal within the electorate.


Agustín, Ó. G. (2018). Podemos and the new political cycle. Palgrave Macmillan.

Albertazzi, D., & Mueller, S. (2013). Populism and liberal democracy: Populists in government in Austria, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. Government and Opposition, 48(3), 343-371.

Andreadis, I., & Stavrakakis, Y. (2017). European populist parties in government: How well are voters represented? Evidence from Greece. Swiss Political Science Review, 23(4), 485-508.

Aslanidis, P., & Marantzidis, N. (2016). The impact of the Greek indignados on Greek politics. Southeastern Europe, 40(2), 125-157.

Aslanidis, P., & Rovira Kaltwasser, C. (2016). Dealing with populists in government: the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition in Greece. Democratization, 23(6), 1077-1091.

Bobba, G., & McDonnell, D. (2016). Different types of right-wing populist discourse in government and opposition: The case of Italy. South European Society and Politics, 21(3), 281-299.

Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (2018). From the euro to the Schengen crises: European integration theories, politicization, and identity politics. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(1), 83-108.

Bosco, A., & Verney, S. (2012). Electoral epidemic: the political cost of econom-ic crisis in Southern Europe, 2010–11. South European society and politics, 17(2), 129-154.

Caramani, D., & Manucci, L. (2019). National past and populism: the re-elaboration of fascism and its impact on right-wing populism in Western Europe. West European Politics, 42(6), 1159-1187.

Cento Bull, A. (2016). The role of memory in populist discourse: the case of the Italian Second Republic. Patterns of Prejudice, 50(3), 213-231.

Custodi, J. (2017). Populism, Left-wing Populism and Patriotism.  Academia.edu

De Cleen, B. (2017). Populism and nationalism. The Oxford handbook of populism, 342-362.

Enyedi, Z. (2016). Paternalist populism and illiberal elitism in Central Europe. Journal of Political Ideologies, 21(1), 9-25.

Hardouvelis, G. & Gkionis, I. (2016). A decade long economic crisis: Cyprus versus Greece. Cyprus Economic Policy Review, 10(2), 3-40.

Havlík, V. (2019). Technocratic populism and political illiberalism in central Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 66(6), 369-384.

Hawkins, K. A. (2009). Is Chávez populist? Measuring populist discourse in comparative perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 42(8), 1040-1067.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2006). The neo-functionalists were (almost) right: Politicization and European integration. The diversity of democracy: Corporatism, social order and political conflict, 205-222.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2009). A postfunctionalist theory of European integration: From permissive consensus to constraining. British journal of political science, 1-23.

Huber, R. A., & Schimpf, C. H. (2017). On the distinct effects of left-wing and right-wing populism on democratic quality. Politics and Governance, 5(4), 146-165.

Ibsen, M. F. (2019). The populist conjuncture: Legitimation crisis in the age of globalized capitalism. Political Studies, 67(3), 795-811.

Inglehart, R. F., & Norris, P. (2016). Trump, Brexit, and the rise of populism: Economic have-nots and cultural backlash.

Jagers, J. and Walgrave, S. (2007) ‘Populism as political communication style: An empirical study of political parties’ discourse in Belgium’. European Journal of Political Research, 46, 319–345.

Kalyvas, A. (2005). Popular sovereignty, democracy, and the constituent power. Constellations, 12(2), 223-244.

Karamanolakis V. (2019) ΑΝΕΠΙΘΥΜΗΤΟ ΠΑΡΕΛΘΟΝ (Translation: Undesirable Past). Θεμέλιο (Themelio publications).

Katsambekis, G. (2017). The populist surge in post‐democratic times: Theoretical and political challenges. The Political Quarterly, 88(2), 202-210.

Kaya, A., & Tecmen, A. (2019). The use of the past in populist political discourse: Justice and Development Party rule in Turkey. In European Memory in Populism (pp. 69-90). Routledge.

Kriesi, H. (2014). The populist challenge. West European Politics, 37(2), 361-378.

Laclau, E. (2005). On populist reason. Verso

Ladi S. & Tsagkroni V. (2019). Analysing Crisis Parliamentary Discourse in Greece: Whom Should We Blame, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(4), 729-748

Liakos. A. (2019) Ο Ελληνικός 20ος αιώνας [The Greek 20th century].  Polis.

Mair, P. 2009. “Representative versus Responsible Government.” In On Parties, Party Systems and Democracy. Selected Writings of Peter Mair., (581-596) ECPR Press.

Mair, P. (2013). Ruling the void: The hollowing of Western democracy. Verso Trade.

March, L. (2012). Radical left parties in Europe. Routledge.

March, L. (2017). Left and right populism compared: The British case. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(2), 282-303.

Markou, G. (2017). The rise of inclusionary populism in Europe: The case of SYRIZA. Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 4(1), 54-71.

Mény, Y., & Surel, Y. (2000). Par le peuple, pour le peuple: le populisme et les démocraties.

Mosca, L., & Tronconi, F. (2019). Beyond left and right: the eclectic populism of the Five Star Movement. West European Politics, 42(6), 1258-1283.

Mudde, C. (2004). The populist zeitgeist. Government and opposition, 39(4), 541-563.

Mudde, C., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (Eds.). (2012). Populism in Europe and the Americas: Threat or corrective for democracy?. Cambridge University Press.

Otjes, S., & Louwerse, T. (2015). Populists in parliament: Comparing left-wing and right-wing populism in the Netherlands. Political Studies, 63(1), 60-79.

Pappas, T. S. (2020). The Pushback Against Populism: The Rise and Fall of Greece’s New Illiberalism. Journal of Democracy, 31(2), 54-68.

Pirro, A. L., Taggart, P., & van Kessel, S. (2018). The populist politics of Euroscepticism in times of crisis: Comparative conclusions. Politics, 38(3), 378-390.

Polavieja, J. (2013). Economic crisis, political legitimacy, and social cohesion. Economic crisis, quality of work and social integration: The European experience, 256-278.

Prentoulis, M., & Thomassen, L. (2013). Political theory in the square: Protest, representation and subjectification. Contemporary Political Theory, 12(3), 166-184.

Reisigl, M., & Wodak. R. (2016). The discourse-historical approach (DHA). In R.

Ribeiro, R. (2013). Narratives of redemption: memory and identity in Europe.

Rooduijn, M., & Pauwels, T. (2011). Measuring populism: Comparing two methods of content analysis. West European Politics, 34(6), 1272-1283.

Rooduijn, M., De Lange, S. L., & Van der Brug, W. (2014). A populist Zeitgeist? Programmatic contagion by populist parties in Western Europe. Party politics, 20(4), 563-575.

Schimmelfennig, F. (2014) European integration in the euro crisis: the limits of post- functionalism’. Journal of European Integration 36(3): 321–37.

Schimmelfennig, F. (2015) ‘Liberal intergovernmentalism and the euro area crisis’. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(2): 177–95.

Schmidt, V. A. (2008). Discursive institutionalism: The explanatory power of ideas and discourse. Annual Review of Political Science, 11, 303-326.

Stavrakakis, Y., & Katsambekis, G. (2014). Left-wing populism in the European periphery: the case of SYRIZA. Journal of political ideologies, 19(2), 119-142.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Kioupkiolis, A., Nikisianis, N., & Siomos, T. (2018). Populism, anti-populism and crisis. Contemporary Political Theory, 17(1), 4-27.

Vasilopoulou, S., D. Halikiopoulou and Th. Exadaktylos (2014) ‘Greece in Crisis: Austerity, Populism and the Politics of Blame’. Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(2), 388-402.

Verney, S. (2014). ‘Broken and can’t be fixed’: The impact of the economic crisis on the Greek party system. The International Spectator, 49(1), 18-35.

Wodak, R. (2001). The discourse-historical approach. Methods of critical discourse analysis, 1, 63-94.


Full Text

Government participation and populist discourse transformation of radical left SYRIZA and radical right ANEL

Alexandros Ntaflos, Leiden University

This study examines how the government participation within an EU country can affect the discourse of the left-wing and right-wing populist parties. We analyzed this question by tracing two Greek populist parties’ discourse, the left-wing Syriza and the right-wing Independent Greeks (Anel), during the 2012-2019 period. We have split the examined period into two subperiods (2012 to July 2015, and August 2015 to 2019). The turning point was the Syriza-Anel government’s signature of the third EU bailout program in August 2015. The first hypothesis was that the government accession within the EU context would slightly decrease the populist logic of the two parties. The next two hypotheses referred that the EU leverage emerged by the signing of the bailout agreement will decrease the populist rhetoric of the two parties towards the external elites (mainly the EU). However, the right-wing populists (Anel)- even after this decrease- will target the external elites to a larger extent than the left-wing populists. To examine the hypotheses in-depth, we applied a combination of quantitative content analysis with qualitative discourse analysis. The findings have corroborated our three initial hypotheses. Simultaneously, the qualitative discourse analysis offered us some additional findings concerning the two parties’ use of topos of “History” to increase their populist appeal within the electorate.


Agustín, Ó. G. (2018). Podemos and the new political cycle. Palgrave Macmillan.

Albertazzi, D., & Mueller, S. (2013). Populism and liberal democracy: Populists in government in Austria, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. Government and Opposition, 48(3), 343-371.

Andreadis, I., & Stavrakakis, Y. (2017). European populist parties in government: How well are voters represented? Evidence from Greece. Swiss Political Science Review, 23(4), 485-508.

Aslanidis, P., & Marantzidis, N. (2016). The impact of the Greek indignados on Greek politics. Southeastern Europe, 40(2), 125-157.

Aslanidis, P., & Rovira Kaltwasser, C. (2016). Dealing with populists in government: the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition in Greece. Democratization, 23(6), 1077-1091.

Bobba, G., & McDonnell, D. (2016). Different types of right-wing populist discourse in government and opposition: The case of Italy. South European Society and Politics, 21(3), 281-299.

Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (2018). From the euro to the Schengen crises: European integration theories, politicization, and identity politics. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(1), 83-108.

Bosco, A., & Verney, S. (2012). Electoral epidemic: the political cost of econom-ic crisis in Southern Europe, 2010–11. South European society and politics, 17(2), 129-154.

Caramani, D., & Manucci, L. (2019). National past and populism: the re-elaboration of fascism and its impact on right-wing populism in Western Europe. West European Politics, 42(6), 1159-1187.

Cento Bull, A. (2016). The role of memory in populist discourse: the case of the Italian Second Republic. Patterns of Prejudice, 50(3), 213-231.

Custodi, J. (2017). Populism, Left-wing Populism and Patriotism.  Academia.edu

De Cleen, B. (2017). Populism and nationalism. The Oxford handbook of populism, 342-362.

Enyedi, Z. (2016). Paternalist populism and illiberal elitism in Central Europe. Journal of Political Ideologies, 21(1), 9-25.

Hardouvelis, G. & Gkionis, I. (2016). A decade long economic crisis: Cyprus versus Greece. Cyprus Economic Policy Review, 10(2), 3-40.

Havlík, V. (2019). Technocratic populism and political illiberalism in central Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 66(6), 369-384.

Hawkins, K. A. (2009). Is Chávez populist? Measuring populist discourse in comparative perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 42(8), 1040-1067.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2006). The neo-functionalists were (almost) right: Politicization and European integration. The diversity of democracy: Corporatism, social order and political conflict, 205-222.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2009). A postfunctionalist theory of European integration: From permissive consensus to constraining. British journal of political science, 1-23.

Huber, R. A., & Schimpf, C. H. (2017). On the distinct effects of left-wing and right-wing populism on democratic quality. Politics and Governance, 5(4), 146-165.

Ibsen, M. F. (2019). The populist conjuncture: Legitimation crisis in the age of globalized capitalism. Political Studies, 67(3), 795-811.

Inglehart, R. F., & Norris, P. (2016). Trump, Brexit, and the rise of populism: Economic have-nots and cultural backlash.

Jagers, J. and Walgrave, S. (2007) ‘Populism as political communication style: An empirical study of political parties’ discourse in Belgium’. European Journal of Political Research, 46, 319–345.

Kalyvas, A. (2005). Popular sovereignty, democracy, and the constituent power. Constellations, 12(2), 223-244.

Karamanolakis V. (2019) ΑΝΕΠΙΘΥΜΗΤΟ ΠΑΡΕΛΘΟΝ (Translation: Undesirable Past). Θεμέλιο (Themelio publications).

Katsambekis, G. (2017). The populist surge in post‐democratic times: Theoretical and political challenges. The Political Quarterly, 88(2), 202-210.

Kaya, A., & Tecmen, A. (2019). The use of the past in populist political discourse: Justice and Development Party rule in Turkey. In European Memory in Populism (pp. 69-90). Routledge.

Kriesi, H. (2014). The populist challenge. West European Politics, 37(2), 361-378.

Laclau, E. (2005). On populist reason. Verso

Ladi S. & Tsagkroni V. (2019). Analysing Crisis Parliamentary Discourse in Greece: Whom Should We Blame, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(4), 729-748

Liakos. A. (2019) Ο Ελληνικός 20ος αιώνας [The Greek 20th century].  Polis.

Mair, P. 2009. “Representative versus Responsible Government.” In On Parties, Party Systems and Democracy. Selected Writings of Peter Mair., (581-596) ECPR Press.

Mair, P. (2013). Ruling the void: The hollowing of Western democracy. Verso Trade.

March, L. (2012). Radical left parties in Europe. Routledge.

March, L. (2017). Left and right populism compared: The British case. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(2), 282-303.

Markou, G. (2017). The rise of inclusionary populism in Europe: The case of SYRIZA. Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 4(1), 54-71.

Mény, Y., & Surel, Y. (2000). Par le peuple, pour le peuple: le populisme et les démocraties.

Mosca, L., & Tronconi, F. (2019). Beyond left and right: the eclectic populism of the Five Star Movement. West European Politics, 42(6), 1258-1283.

Mudde, C. (2004). The populist zeitgeist. Government and opposition, 39(4), 541-563.

Mudde, C., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (Eds.). (2012). Populism in Europe and the Americas: Threat or corrective for democracy?. Cambridge University Press.

Otjes, S., & Louwerse, T. (2015). Populists in parliament: Comparing left-wing and right-wing populism in the Netherlands. Political Studies, 63(1), 60-79.

Pappas, T. S. (2020). The Pushback Against Populism: The Rise and Fall of Greece’s New Illiberalism. Journal of Democracy, 31(2), 54-68.

Pirro, A. L., Taggart, P., & van Kessel, S. (2018). The populist politics of Euroscepticism in times of crisis: Comparative conclusions. Politics, 38(3), 378-390.

Polavieja, J. (2013). Economic crisis, political legitimacy, and social cohesion. Economic crisis, quality of work and social integration: The European experience, 256-278.

Prentoulis, M., & Thomassen, L. (2013). Political theory in the square: Protest, representation and subjectification. Contemporary Political Theory, 12(3), 166-184.

Reisigl, M., & Wodak. R. (2016). The discourse-historical approach (DHA). In R.

Ribeiro, R. (2013). Narratives of redemption: memory and identity in Europe.

Rooduijn, M., & Pauwels, T. (2011). Measuring populism: Comparing two methods of content analysis. West European Politics, 34(6), 1272-1283.

Rooduijn, M., De Lange, S. L., & Van der Brug, W. (2014). A populist Zeitgeist? Programmatic contagion by populist parties in Western Europe. Party politics, 20(4), 563-575.

Schimmelfennig, F. (2014) European integration in the euro crisis: the limits of post- functionalism’. Journal of European Integration 36(3): 321–37.

Schimmelfennig, F. (2015) ‘Liberal intergovernmentalism and the euro area crisis’. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(2): 177–95.

Schmidt, V. A. (2008). Discursive institutionalism: The explanatory power of ideas and discourse. Annual Review of Political Science, 11, 303-326.

Stavrakakis, Y., & Katsambekis, G. (2014). Left-wing populism in the European periphery: the case of SYRIZA. Journal of political ideologies, 19(2), 119-142.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Kioupkiolis, A., Nikisianis, N., & Siomos, T. (2018). Populism, anti-populism and crisis. Contemporary Political Theory, 17(1), 4-27.

Vasilopoulou, S., D. Halikiopoulou and Th. Exadaktylos (2014) ‘Greece in Crisis: Austerity, Populism and the Politics of Blame’. Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(2), 388-402.

Verney, S. (2014). ‘Broken and can’t be fixed’: The impact of the economic crisis on the Greek party system. The International Spectator, 49(1), 18-35.

Wodak, R. (2001). The discourse-historical approach. Methods of critical discourse analysis, 1, 63-94.


Full Text

Government participation and populist discourse transformation of radical left SYRIZA and radical right ANEL

Alexandros Ntaflos, Leiden University

This study examines how the government participation within an EU country can affect the discourse of the left-wing and right-wing populist parties. We analyzed this question by tracing two Greek populist parties’ discourse, the left-wing Syriza and the right-wing Independent Greeks (Anel), during the 2012-2019 period. We have split the examined period into two subperiods (2012 to July 2015, and August 2015 to 2019). The turning point was the Syriza-Anel government’s signature of the third EU bailout program in August 2015. The first hypothesis was that the government accession within the EU context would slightly decrease the populist logic of the two parties. The next two hypotheses referred that the EU leverage emerged by the signing of the bailout agreement will decrease the populist rhetoric of the two parties towards the external elites (mainly the EU). However, the right-wing populists (Anel)- even after this decrease- will target the external elites to a larger extent than the left-wing populists. To examine the hypotheses in-depth, we applied a combination of quantitative content analysis with qualitative discourse analysis. The findings have corroborated our three initial hypotheses. Simultaneously, the qualitative discourse analysis offered us some additional findings concerning the two parties’ use of topos of “History” to increase their populist appeal within the electorate.


Agustín, Ó. G. (2018). Podemos and the new political cycle. Palgrave Macmillan.

Albertazzi, D., & Mueller, S. (2013). Populism and liberal democracy: Populists in government in Austria, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. Government and Opposition, 48(3), 343-371.

Andreadis, I., & Stavrakakis, Y. (2017). European populist parties in government: How well are voters represented? Evidence from Greece. Swiss Political Science Review, 23(4), 485-508.

Aslanidis, P., & Marantzidis, N. (2016). The impact of the Greek indignados on Greek politics. Southeastern Europe, 40(2), 125-157.

Aslanidis, P., & Rovira Kaltwasser, C. (2016). Dealing with populists in government: the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition in Greece. Democratization, 23(6), 1077-1091.

Bobba, G., & McDonnell, D. (2016). Different types of right-wing populist discourse in government and opposition: The case of Italy. South European Society and Politics, 21(3), 281-299.

Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (2018). From the euro to the Schengen crises: European integration theories, politicization, and identity politics. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(1), 83-108.

Bosco, A., & Verney, S. (2012). Electoral epidemic: the political cost of econom-ic crisis in Southern Europe, 2010–11. South European society and politics, 17(2), 129-154.

Caramani, D., & Manucci, L. (2019). National past and populism: the re-elaboration of fascism and its impact on right-wing populism in Western Europe. West European Politics, 42(6), 1159-1187.

Cento Bull, A. (2016). The role of memory in populist discourse: the case of the Italian Second Republic. Patterns of Prejudice, 50(3), 213-231.

Custodi, J. (2017). Populism, Left-wing Populism and Patriotism.  Academia.edu

De Cleen, B. (2017). Populism and nationalism. The Oxford handbook of populism, 342-362.

Enyedi, Z. (2016). Paternalist populism and illiberal elitism in Central Europe. Journal of Political Ideologies, 21(1), 9-25.

Hardouvelis, G. & Gkionis, I. (2016). A decade long economic crisis: Cyprus versus Greece. Cyprus Economic Policy Review, 10(2), 3-40.

Havlík, V. (2019). Technocratic populism and political illiberalism in central Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 66(6), 369-384.

Hawkins, K. A. (2009). Is Chávez populist? Measuring populist discourse in comparative perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 42(8), 1040-1067.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2006). The neo-functionalists were (almost) right: Politicization and European integration. The diversity of democracy: Corporatism, social order and political conflict, 205-222.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2009). A postfunctionalist theory of European integration: From permissive consensus to constraining. British journal of political science, 1-23.

Huber, R. A., & Schimpf, C. H. (2017). On the distinct effects of left-wing and right-wing populism on democratic quality. Politics and Governance, 5(4), 146-165.

Ibsen, M. F. (2019). The populist conjuncture: Legitimation crisis in the age of globalized capitalism. Political Studies, 67(3), 795-811.

Inglehart, R. F., & Norris, P. (2016). Trump, Brexit, and the rise of populism: Economic have-nots and cultural backlash.

Jagers, J. and Walgrave, S. (2007) ‘Populism as political communication style: An empirical study of political parties’ discourse in Belgium’. European Journal of Political Research, 46, 319–345.

Kalyvas, A. (2005). Popular sovereignty, democracy, and the constituent power. Constellations, 12(2), 223-244.

Karamanolakis V. (2019) ΑΝΕΠΙΘΥΜΗΤΟ ΠΑΡΕΛΘΟΝ (Translation: Undesirable Past). Θεμέλιο (Themelio publications).

Katsambekis, G. (2017). The populist surge in post‐democratic times: Theoretical and political challenges. The Political Quarterly, 88(2), 202-210.

Kaya, A., & Tecmen, A. (2019). The use of the past in populist political discourse: Justice and Development Party rule in Turkey. In European Memory in Populism (pp. 69-90). Routledge.

Kriesi, H. (2014). The populist challenge. West European Politics, 37(2), 361-378.

Laclau, E. (2005). On populist reason. Verso

Ladi S. & Tsagkroni V. (2019). Analysing Crisis Parliamentary Discourse in Greece: Whom Should We Blame, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(4), 729-748

Liakos. A. (2019) Ο Ελληνικός 20ος αιώνας [The Greek 20th century].  Polis.

Mair, P. 2009. “Representative versus Responsible Government.” In On Parties, Party Systems and Democracy. Selected Writings of Peter Mair., (581-596) ECPR Press.

Mair, P. (2013). Ruling the void: The hollowing of Western democracy. Verso Trade.

March, L. (2012). Radical left parties in Europe. Routledge.

March, L. (2017). Left and right populism compared: The British case. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(2), 282-303.

Markou, G. (2017). The rise of inclusionary populism in Europe: The case of SYRIZA. Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 4(1), 54-71.

Mény, Y., & Surel, Y. (2000). Par le peuple, pour le peuple: le populisme et les démocraties.

Mosca, L., & Tronconi, F. (2019). Beyond left and right: the eclectic populism of the Five Star Movement. West European Politics, 42(6), 1258-1283.

Mudde, C. (2004). The populist zeitgeist. Government and opposition, 39(4), 541-563.

Mudde, C., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (Eds.). (2012). Populism in Europe and the Americas: Threat or corrective for democracy?. Cambridge University Press.

Otjes, S., & Louwerse, T. (2015). Populists in parliament: Comparing left-wing and right-wing populism in the Netherlands. Political Studies, 63(1), 60-79.

Pappas, T. S. (2020). The Pushback Against Populism: The Rise and Fall of Greece’s New Illiberalism. Journal of Democracy, 31(2), 54-68.

Pirro, A. L., Taggart, P., & van Kessel, S. (2018). The populist politics of Euroscepticism in times of crisis: Comparative conclusions. Politics, 38(3), 378-390.

Polavieja, J. (2013). Economic crisis, political legitimacy, and social cohesion. Economic crisis, quality of work and social integration: The European experience, 256-278.

Prentoulis, M., & Thomassen, L. (2013). Political theory in the square: Protest, representation and subjectification. Contemporary Political Theory, 12(3), 166-184.

Reisigl, M., & Wodak. R. (2016). The discourse-historical approach (DHA). In R.

Ribeiro, R. (2013). Narratives of redemption: memory and identity in Europe.

Rooduijn, M., & Pauwels, T. (2011). Measuring populism: Comparing two methods of content analysis. West European Politics, 34(6), 1272-1283.

Rooduijn, M., De Lange, S. L., & Van der Brug, W. (2014). A populist Zeitgeist? Programmatic contagion by populist parties in Western Europe. Party politics, 20(4), 563-575.

Schimmelfennig, F. (2014) European integration in the euro crisis: the limits of post- functionalism’. Journal of European Integration 36(3): 321–37.

Schimmelfennig, F. (2015) ‘Liberal intergovernmentalism and the euro area crisis’. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(2): 177–95.

Schmidt, V. A. (2008). Discursive institutionalism: The explanatory power of ideas and discourse. Annual Review of Political Science, 11, 303-326.

Stavrakakis, Y., & Katsambekis, G. (2014). Left-wing populism in the European periphery: the case of SYRIZA. Journal of political ideologies, 19(2), 119-142.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Kioupkiolis, A., Nikisianis, N., & Siomos, T. (2018). Populism, anti-populism and crisis. Contemporary Political Theory, 17(1), 4-27.

Vasilopoulou, S., D. Halikiopoulou and Th. Exadaktylos (2014) ‘Greece in Crisis: Austerity, Populism and the Politics of Blame’. Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(2), 388-402.

Verney, S. (2014). ‘Broken and can’t be fixed’: The impact of the economic crisis on the Greek party system. The International Spectator, 49(1), 18-35.

Wodak, R. (2001). The discourse-historical approach. Methods of critical discourse analysis, 1, 63-94.