
Full Text

Is populism a kind of ideology, or is ideology only a part of populism’s definition?

Franz X. Barrios Suvelza

Contemporary social science has been interested in highly charged topics such as populism. However, theses discussionhave neglected to address the pure methodological challenges that defining such topics can pose. Since debates on populism’s definition have been bogged down in discussions of content, this article proposes to explore specific formal methodological techniques of definition building, that populism experts have used without necessarily being aware ofthem, or which they considered uninteresting, or which they have simply ignored. Three of them are discussed: i) backtracking the generic formal families of analysis, ii) constructing a three-segmented definitional field, and iii) articulating a multistoried definitional procedure. These three methodologies, which draw on Althusserian and Weberian methodological works, are then tested by analysing what role the dimension of ideology plays in the whole definitional work on populism.


Althusser, L. (1968). L’objet du capital. In L. Althusser and E. Balibar (Eds.), Lire le capital (pp. 87-150). Petite Collection Maspero.

Arato, A. and Cohen, J. (2017). Civil society, populism and religion. Constellations, 24(3), 283-295.

Aslanidis, P. (2016). Is populism an ideology? A refutation and a new perspective. Political Studies, 64(1), 88-104.

Aslanidis, P. (2017). Populism and social movements. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 306-325). Oxford University Press.

Barr, R. (2009). Populists, outsiders and anti-establishment politics. Party Politics, 15(1), 29-48.

Barr, R. (2017). The resurgence of populism in Latin America. Lynne Rienner Publisher.

Brubaker, R. (2019). Why populism? In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 27-46). Routledge.

Canovan, M. (1982). Two strategies for the study of populism. Political Studies, 30(4), 544-552.

Cohen, J. (2019). What’s wrong with the normative theory (and the actual practice) of left populism. Constellations, 26(3), 391-407.

Collier, R. (2001). Populism. In N. Smelser and P. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 11813-11816). Elsevier.

Colliot-Thélène, C. (2019). Populism as a conceptual problem. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 7-26). Routledge.

Dean, J. and Maiguashca, B. (2020). Did somebody say populism? Towards a renewal and reorientation of populism studies. Journal of Political Ideologies, 25(1), 11-27.

De Cleen, B., Glynos, J., and Mondon, A. (2018). Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement. Organization, 25(5), 649-661.

De la Torre, C. (2019). What can we learn from la to understand Trump’s populism. In H. Paul, U. Prutsch, and J. Gebhardt (Eds.), The comeback of populism: Transatlantic perspectives (pp. 253-273). Universitätsverlag Winter.

De la Torre, C. and Mazzoleni, O. (2019). Do we need a minimum definition of populism? An appraisal of Mudde’s conceptualization. Populism, 2(1), 79-95..

Della Porta, D. and Diani, M. (1999). Social movements: An introduction. Blackwell.

Diani, M. (1992). The concept of social movement. The Sociological Review, 40(1), 1-25.

Diehl, P. (2011). Die Komplexität des Populismus. Ein Plädoyer für ein Mehrdimensionales und graduelles Konzept. Totalitarianism and Democracy , 8(2), 273-292.

Fitzi, G. (2019). Populism: An ideal-typical assessment. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy (pp. 48-61). Routledge.

Gordy, M. (1983). Reading Althusser: Time and the social whole. History and Theory, 22(1), 1-21.

Hawkins, K. and Rovira, C. (2017). The ideational approach to populism. Latin American Research Review, 52(4), 513-528.

Hermet, G. (2013). Foundational populism. In S. Gherghina, S. Miscoiu, and S. Soare (Eds.), Contemporary populism: A controversial concept and its diverse forms (pp. 84-113). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hutter, S., Kriesi, H. and Lorenzini, J. (2019). Soziale Bewegungen im Zusammenspiel mit politischen Parteien: Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 32(2), 163-177.

Jansen, R. (2011). Populist mobilization: A new theoretical approach to populism. Sociological Theory, 29(2), 75-96.

Jörke, D. and Selk, V. (2018). Populismus in Zeiten des postdemokratischen Liberalismus. Soziopolis,https://www.soziopolis.de/populismus-in-zeiten-des-postdemokratischen-liberalismus.html.

Kenny, P. (2017). Populism and patronage: Why populists win elections in India, Asia, and beyond. online edition. Oxford University Press.

Laclau, E. (2006). La deriva politica y la centroizquierda latinoamericana. Nueva Sociedad, (205), 56-61.

Lofland, J. (1981). Collective behaviour: The elementary forms. In M. Rosenberg and R. Turner (Eds.), Social psychology: Sociological perspectives (pp. 411-446). Basic Books.

March, L. (2011). Radical left parties in Europe. Routledge.

McCormick, J. (2017). Die aktuelle Krise der Demokratie und der populistische Schmerzensschrei. In D. Jörke and O. Nachtwey (Eds.), Das Volk gegen die (liberale) Demokratie: Leviathan (pp. 41-54). Nomos eLibrary.

Méney, Y. and Surel, Y. (2000). Par le peuple, pour le peuple: Le populisme et les démocraties. Fayard.

Moffitt, B. (2016). The global rise of populism: Performance, political style, and representation. Stanford University Press.

Moffitt, B. and Tormey, S. (2014). Rethinking populism: Politics, mediatisation and political style. Political Studies, 62(2), 381-397.

Mouffe, C. (2018). For a left populism. Verso Books.

Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge University Press.

Mudde, C. (2013). Are populists friends or foes of constitutionalism? The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society.

Mudde, C. (2017). Populism: An ideational approach. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 27-47). Oxford University Press.

Mudde, C. and Rovira, C. (2012). Populism: Corrective and threat to democracy. In C. Mudde and C. Rovira (Eds.), Populism in Europe and the Americas: Threat or corrective for democracy? (pp. 205-222). Cambridge University Press.

Müller, J. W. (2017). Populism and constitutionalism. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), TheOxford handbook of populism (pp. 590-606). Oxford University Press.

Ochoa, P. (2017). Populism and the idea of the people. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 607-628). Oxford University Press.

Ostiguy, P. (2017). Populism: A socio-cultural approach. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 74-97). Oxford University Press.

Patapan, H. (2019). On populists and demagogues. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 52(4), 743-759.

Peruzzotti, E. (2013). Populism in democratic times: Populism, representative democracy, and the debate on democratic deepening. In C. De la Torre and C. Arnson (Eds.), Latin American populism in the twenty-first century (pp. 61-85). Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

Priester, K. (2011). Definitionen und Typologien des Populismus. Soziale Welt, 62(2), 185-198.

Priester, K. (2017). Linkspopulismus – die andere Seite der populistischen Medaille. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 30(2), 50-59.

Roberts, K. (2015). Populism, social movements, and popular subjectivity. In D. Della Porta and M. Diani (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of social movements (pp. 681-695). Oxford University Press.

Rovira, C. (2014). Latin American populism: Some conceptual and normative lessons. Constellations, 21(4), 494-504.

Rovira, C. (2019). How to define populism? Reflections on a contested concept and its (mis)use in the social sciences. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 62-78). Routledge.

Rucht, D. (1987). Zum Verhältnis von sozialen Bewegungen und politischen Parteien. Journal für angewandte Sozialforschung, 27(3/4), 297-313.

Schedler, A. (1996). Anti-Political-Establishment parties. Party Politics, 2(3), 291-312.

Schroeder, R. (2020). The dangerous myth of populism as a thin ideology. Populism, 3(1), 13-28.

Snow, D. (2013). Social movement. In D. Snow, D. Della Porta, B. Klandermans, and D. McAdam (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements (pp. 1200-1204). Wiley-Blackwell.

Stewart, A. (1969). The social roots. In G. Ionescu and E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism: Its meanings and national characteristics (pp. 180-196). Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Straßenberger, G. (2016). Linkspopulismus als Gegengift? Mittelweg 36, (6), 36-55.

Swedberg, R. (2020). On the use of definitions in sociology. European Journal of Social Theory, 23(3), 431-445.

Taguieff, P. A. (2004). Le populisme comme style politique. Le retour du populisme: Un défi pour les démocraties européennes (pp. 17-23). Universalis.

Turner, R. and Killian, L. (1987). Collective behaviour. Prentice Hall.

Urbinati, N. (2014). Democracy disfigured: Opinion, truth, and the people. Harvard University Press.

Urbinati, N. (2019). Me the people: How populism transforms democracy. Harvard University Press.

Weber, M (1984) Soziologische Grundbegriffe, Mohr Siebeck.

Weyland, K. (2017). Populism-A political-strategic approach. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 48-71). Oxford University Press.

Wiles, P. (1969). A syndrome, not a doctrine: Some elementary theses on populism. In G. Ionescu and E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism: Its meanings and national characteristics (pp. 166-179). Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Zurcher, L. and Snow, D. (1981). Collective behavior: Social movements. In M. Rosenberg and R. Turner (Eds.), Social psychology: Sociological perspectives (pp. 447-482). Basic Books.


Full Text

Is populism a kind of ideology, or is ideology only a part of populism’s definition?

Franz X. Barrios Suvelza

Contemporary social science has been interested in highly charged topics such as populism. However, theses discussionhave neglected to address the pure methodological challenges that defining such topics can pose. Since debates on populism’s definition have been bogged down in discussions of content, this article proposes to explore specific formal methodological techniques of definition building, that populism experts have used without necessarily being aware ofthem, or which they considered uninteresting, or which they have simply ignored. Three of them are discussed: i) backtracking the generic formal families of analysis, ii) constructing a three-segmented definitional field, and iii) articulating a multistoried definitional procedure. These three methodologies, which draw on Althusserian and Weberian methodological works, are then tested by analysing what role the dimension of ideology plays in the whole definitional work on populism.


Althusser, L. (1968). L’objet du capital. In L. Althusser and E. Balibar (Eds.), Lire le capital (pp. 87-150). Petite Collection Maspero.

Arato, A. and Cohen, J. (2017). Civil society, populism and religion. Constellations, 24(3), 283-295.

Aslanidis, P. (2016). Is populism an ideology? A refutation and a new perspective. Political Studies, 64(1), 88-104.

Aslanidis, P. (2017). Populism and social movements. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 306-325). Oxford University Press.

Barr, R. (2009). Populists, outsiders and anti-establishment politics. Party Politics, 15(1), 29-48.

Barr, R. (2017). The resurgence of populism in Latin America. Lynne Rienner Publisher.

Brubaker, R. (2019). Why populism? In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 27-46). Routledge.

Canovan, M. (1982). Two strategies for the study of populism. Political Studies, 30(4), 544-552.

Cohen, J. (2019). What’s wrong with the normative theory (and the actual practice) of left populism. Constellations, 26(3), 391-407.

Collier, R. (2001). Populism. In N. Smelser and P. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 11813-11816). Elsevier.

Colliot-Thélène, C. (2019). Populism as a conceptual problem. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 7-26). Routledge.

Dean, J. and Maiguashca, B. (2020). Did somebody say populism? Towards a renewal and reorientation of populism studies. Journal of Political Ideologies, 25(1), 11-27.

De Cleen, B., Glynos, J., and Mondon, A. (2018). Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement. Organization, 25(5), 649-661.

De la Torre, C. (2019). What can we learn from la to understand Trump’s populism. In H. Paul, U. Prutsch, and J. Gebhardt (Eds.), The comeback of populism: Transatlantic perspectives (pp. 253-273). Universitätsverlag Winter.

De la Torre, C. and Mazzoleni, O. (2019). Do we need a minimum definition of populism? An appraisal of Mudde’s conceptualization. Populism, 2(1), 79-95..

Della Porta, D. and Diani, M. (1999). Social movements: An introduction. Blackwell.

Diani, M. (1992). The concept of social movement. The Sociological Review, 40(1), 1-25.

Diehl, P. (2011). Die Komplexität des Populismus. Ein Plädoyer für ein Mehrdimensionales und graduelles Konzept. Totalitarianism and Democracy , 8(2), 273-292.

Fitzi, G. (2019). Populism: An ideal-typical assessment. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy (pp. 48-61). Routledge.

Gordy, M. (1983). Reading Althusser: Time and the social whole. History and Theory, 22(1), 1-21.

Hawkins, K. and Rovira, C. (2017). The ideational approach to populism. Latin American Research Review, 52(4), 513-528.

Hermet, G. (2013). Foundational populism. In S. Gherghina, S. Miscoiu, and S. Soare (Eds.), Contemporary populism: A controversial concept and its diverse forms (pp. 84-113). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hutter, S., Kriesi, H. and Lorenzini, J. (2019). Soziale Bewegungen im Zusammenspiel mit politischen Parteien: Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 32(2), 163-177.

Jansen, R. (2011). Populist mobilization: A new theoretical approach to populism. Sociological Theory, 29(2), 75-96.

Jörke, D. and Selk, V. (2018). Populismus in Zeiten des postdemokratischen Liberalismus. Soziopolis,https://www.soziopolis.de/populismus-in-zeiten-des-postdemokratischen-liberalismus.html.

Kenny, P. (2017). Populism and patronage: Why populists win elections in India, Asia, and beyond. online edition. Oxford University Press.

Laclau, E. (2006). La deriva politica y la centroizquierda latinoamericana. Nueva Sociedad, (205), 56-61.

Lofland, J. (1981). Collective behaviour: The elementary forms. In M. Rosenberg and R. Turner (Eds.), Social psychology: Sociological perspectives (pp. 411-446). Basic Books.

March, L. (2011). Radical left parties in Europe. Routledge.

McCormick, J. (2017). Die aktuelle Krise der Demokratie und der populistische Schmerzensschrei. In D. Jörke and O. Nachtwey (Eds.), Das Volk gegen die (liberale) Demokratie: Leviathan (pp. 41-54). Nomos eLibrary.

Méney, Y. and Surel, Y. (2000). Par le peuple, pour le peuple: Le populisme et les démocraties. Fayard.

Moffitt, B. (2016). The global rise of populism: Performance, political style, and representation. Stanford University Press.

Moffitt, B. and Tormey, S. (2014). Rethinking populism: Politics, mediatisation and political style. Political Studies, 62(2), 381-397.

Mouffe, C. (2018). For a left populism. Verso Books.

Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge University Press.

Mudde, C. (2013). Are populists friends or foes of constitutionalism? The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society.

Mudde, C. (2017). Populism: An ideational approach. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 27-47). Oxford University Press.

Mudde, C. and Rovira, C. (2012). Populism: Corrective and threat to democracy. In C. Mudde and C. Rovira (Eds.), Populism in Europe and the Americas: Threat or corrective for democracy? (pp. 205-222). Cambridge University Press.

Müller, J. W. (2017). Populism and constitutionalism. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), TheOxford handbook of populism (pp. 590-606). Oxford University Press.

Ochoa, P. (2017). Populism and the idea of the people. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 607-628). Oxford University Press.

Ostiguy, P. (2017). Populism: A socio-cultural approach. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 74-97). Oxford University Press.

Patapan, H. (2019). On populists and demagogues. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 52(4), 743-759.

Peruzzotti, E. (2013). Populism in democratic times: Populism, representative democracy, and the debate on democratic deepening. In C. De la Torre and C. Arnson (Eds.), Latin American populism in the twenty-first century (pp. 61-85). Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

Priester, K. (2011). Definitionen und Typologien des Populismus. Soziale Welt, 62(2), 185-198.

Priester, K. (2017). Linkspopulismus – die andere Seite der populistischen Medaille. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 30(2), 50-59.

Roberts, K. (2015). Populism, social movements, and popular subjectivity. In D. Della Porta and M. Diani (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of social movements (pp. 681-695). Oxford University Press.

Rovira, C. (2014). Latin American populism: Some conceptual and normative lessons. Constellations, 21(4), 494-504.

Rovira, C. (2019). How to define populism? Reflections on a contested concept and its (mis)use in the social sciences. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 62-78). Routledge.

Rucht, D. (1987). Zum Verhältnis von sozialen Bewegungen und politischen Parteien. Journal für angewandte Sozialforschung, 27(3/4), 297-313.

Schedler, A. (1996). Anti-Political-Establishment parties. Party Politics, 2(3), 291-312.

Schroeder, R. (2020). The dangerous myth of populism as a thin ideology. Populism, 3(1), 13-28.

Snow, D. (2013). Social movement. In D. Snow, D. Della Porta, B. Klandermans, and D. McAdam (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements (pp. 1200-1204). Wiley-Blackwell.

Stewart, A. (1969). The social roots. In G. Ionescu and E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism: Its meanings and national characteristics (pp. 180-196). Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Straßenberger, G. (2016). Linkspopulismus als Gegengift? Mittelweg 36, (6), 36-55.

Swedberg, R. (2020). On the use of definitions in sociology. European Journal of Social Theory, 23(3), 431-445.

Taguieff, P. A. (2004). Le populisme comme style politique. Le retour du populisme: Un défi pour les démocraties européennes (pp. 17-23). Universalis.

Turner, R. and Killian, L. (1987). Collective behaviour. Prentice Hall.

Urbinati, N. (2014). Democracy disfigured: Opinion, truth, and the people. Harvard University Press.

Urbinati, N. (2019). Me the people: How populism transforms democracy. Harvard University Press.

Weber, M (1984) Soziologische Grundbegriffe, Mohr Siebeck.

Weyland, K. (2017). Populism-A political-strategic approach. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 48-71). Oxford University Press.

Wiles, P. (1969). A syndrome, not a doctrine: Some elementary theses on populism. In G. Ionescu and E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism: Its meanings and national characteristics (pp. 166-179). Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Zurcher, L. and Snow, D. (1981). Collective behavior: Social movements. In M. Rosenberg and R. Turner (Eds.), Social psychology: Sociological perspectives (pp. 447-482). Basic Books.


Full Text

Is populism a kind of ideology, or is ideology only a part of populism’s definition?

Franz X. Barrios Suvelza

Contemporary social science has been interested in highly charged topics such as populism. However, theses discussionhave neglected to address the pure methodological challenges that defining such topics can pose. Since debates on populism’s definition have been bogged down in discussions of content, this article proposes to explore specific formal methodological techniques of definition building, that populism experts have used without necessarily being aware ofthem, or which they considered uninteresting, or which they have simply ignored. Three of them are discussed: i) backtracking the generic formal families of analysis, ii) constructing a three-segmented definitional field, and iii) articulating a multistoried definitional procedure. These three methodologies, which draw on Althusserian and Weberian methodological works, are then tested by analysing what role the dimension of ideology plays in the whole definitional work on populism.


Althusser, L. (1968). L’objet du capital. In L. Althusser and E. Balibar (Eds.), Lire le capital (pp. 87-150). Petite Collection Maspero.

Arato, A. and Cohen, J. (2017). Civil society, populism and religion. Constellations, 24(3), 283-295.

Aslanidis, P. (2016). Is populism an ideology? A refutation and a new perspective. Political Studies, 64(1), 88-104.

Aslanidis, P. (2017). Populism and social movements. In C. Rovira, P. Taggert, P. Ochoa, and P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism (pp. 306-325). Oxford University Press.

Barr, R. (2009). Populists, outsiders and anti-establishment politics. Party Politics, 15(1), 29-48.

Barr, R. (2017). The resurgence of populism in Latin America. Lynne Rienner Publisher.

Brubaker, R. (2019). Why populism? In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 27-46). Routledge.

Canovan, M. (1982). Two strategies for the study of populism. Political Studies, 30(4), 544-552.

Cohen, J. (2019). What’s wrong with the normative theory (and the actual practice) of left populism. Constellations, 26(3), 391-407.

Collier, R. (2001). Populism. In N. Smelser and P. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 11813-11816). Elsevier.

Colliot-Thélène, C. (2019). Populism as a conceptual problem. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy. Concepts and theory (pp. 7-26). Routledge.

Dean, J. and Maiguashca, B. (2020). Did somebody say populism? Towards a renewal and reorientation of populism studies. Journal of Political Ideologies, 25(1), 11-27.

De Cleen, B., Glynos, J., and Mondon, A. (2018). Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement. Organization, 25(5), 649-661.

De la Torre, C. (2019). What can we learn from la to understand Trump’s populism. In H. Paul, U. Prutsch, and J. Gebhardt (Eds.), The comeback of populism: Transatlantic perspectives (pp. 253-273). Universitätsverlag Winter.

De la Torre, C. and Mazzoleni, O. (2019). Do we need a minimum definition of populism? An appraisal of Mudde’s conceptualization. Populism, 2(1), 79-95..

Della Porta, D. and Diani, M. (1999). Social movements: An introduction. Blackwell.

Diani, M. (1992). The concept of social movement. The Sociological Review, 40(1), 1-25.

Diehl, P. (2011). Die Komplexität des Populismus. Ein Plädoyer für ein Mehrdimensionales und graduelles Konzept. Totalitarianism and Democracy , 8(2), 273-292.

Fitzi, G. (2019). Populism: An ideal-typical assessment. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B. Turner (Eds.), Populism and the crisis of democracy (pp. 48-61). Routledge.

Gordy, M. (1983). Reading Althusser: Time and the social whole. History and Theory, 22(1), 1-21.

Hawkins, K. and Rovira, C. (2017). The ideational approach to populism. Latin American Research Review, 52(4), 513-528.

Hermet, G. (2013). Foundational populism. In S. Gherghina, S. Miscoiu, and S. Soare (Eds.), Contemporary populism: A controversial concept and its diverse forms (pp. 84-113). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hutter, S., Kriesi, H. and Lorenzini, J. (2019). Soziale Bewegungen im Zusammenspiel mit politischen Parteien: Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 32(2), 163-177.

Jansen, R. (2011). Populist mobilization: A new theoretical approach to populism. Sociological Theory, 29(2), 75-96.

Jörke, D. and Selk, V. (2018). Populismus in Zeiten des postdemokratischen Liberalismus. Soziopolis,https://www.soziopolis.de/populismus-in-zeiten-des-postdemokratischen-liberalismus.html.

Kenny, P. (2017). Populism and patronage: Why populists win elections in India, Asia, and beyond. online edition. Oxford University Press.

Laclau, E. (2006). La deriva politica y la centroizquierda latinoamericana. Nueva Sociedad, (205), 56-61.

Lofland, J. (1981). Collective behaviour: The elementary forms. In M. Rosenberg and R. Turner (Eds.), Social psychology: Sociological perspectives (pp. 411-446). Basic Books.

March, L. (2011). Radical left parties in Europe. Routledge.

McCormick, J. (2017). Die aktuelle Krise der Demokratie und der populistische Schmerzensschrei. In D. Jörke and O. Nachtwey (Eds.), Das Volk gegen die (liberale) Demokratie: Leviathan (pp. 41-54). Nomos eLibrary.

Méney, Y. and Surel, Y. (2000). Par le peuple, pour le peuple: Le populisme et les démocraties. Fayard.

Moffitt, B. (2016). The global rise of populism: Performance, political style, and representation. Stanford University Press.

Moffitt, B. and Tormey, S. (2014). Rethinking populism: Politics, mediatisation and political style. Political Studies, 62(2), 381-397.

Mouffe, C. (2018). For a left populism. Verso Books.

Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge University Press.

Mudde, C. (2013). Are populists friends or foes of constitutionalism? The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society.

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