
Full Text

Populism (studies) does not exist, but it still matters

Aurelien Mondon, University of Bath


Albertazzi, D. and McDonnell, D. (2008). Twenty-First Century Populism: The Spectre of Western European Democracy. London: Palgrave.

Bale, T., van Kessel, S. & Taggart, P. (2011). Thrown around with abandon? Popular understandings of populism as conveyed by the print media: A UK case study. Acta Politica, 46, 111–131.

Bourdieu, P. (1973). L’opinion publique n’existe pas. Temps Moderne, 318, 1292-1309

Brown, K. and Mondon, A. (2021). Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study. Politics, 41(3), 279-295.

Brown, K. (2022). forthcoming. Talking ‘with’ and ‘about’ the far right: putting the mainstream in mainstreaming. PhD Thesis. Bath: University of Bath.

Collovald, A. (2004). Le populisme du FN: un dangereux contresens. Bellecombe-en-Bauges: Ed. Du Croquant.

Dean, J. and Maiguashca, B. (2020). Did somebody say populism? Towards a renewal and reorientation of populism studies. Journal of Political Ideologies, 25(1), 11-27.

De Cleen, B., Glynos, J. and Mondon, A. (2018). Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement. Organization, 25(5), 649-661.

De Cleen, B. & Glynos J. (2021). Beyond Populism Studies’, Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 178-195.

Eklundh, E. (2020). Excluding emotions: The performative function of populism. Partecipazione e Conflitto 13(1), 107-131.

Glynos, J. & Mondon, A. (2016). The Political Logic of Populist Hype: The Case of Right-Wing Populism’s ‘Meteoric Rise’ and Its Relation to the Status Quo. Populismus Working Paper Series, No. 4.

Goyvaerts, J. (2021). The Academic Voice in Media Debates on Populism. Populismus Working Papers, No. 12.

Goyvaerts, J., Brown, K., Mondon, A., De Cleen, B. and Glynos, J. (2023 forthcoming). On the Politics of ‘Populism’: The Case of Populist Hype. In Katsambekis, G. and Stavrakakis, Y. (eds.) Elgar Research Handbook on Populism. Cheltenham: Elgar.

Hunger, S. and Paxton, F. (2021). What’s in a buzzword? A systematic review of the state of populism research in political science. Political Science Research and Methods, online first.

Karavasilis, L. (2022). Populism and Other -Isms: Comparing left- and right-wing populism in Greece and Germany.Doctoral thesis. Loughborough: Loughborough University.

Katsambekis, G. (2016). The populist surge in post-democratic times: Theoretical and political challenges. The Political Quarterly, 88(2), 1–9.

Katsambekis, G. (2020). Constructing ‘the people’ of populism: a critique of the ideational approach from a discursive perspective. Journal of Political Ideologies, 27(1), 53-74.

Kim, S. (2021). Taking stock of the field of populism research: Are ideational approaches ‘moralistic’ and post-foundational discursive approaches ‘normative’?. Politics, online first.

Lentin, A. (2020). Why Race Still Matters. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Maiguashca, B. (2019). Resisting the ‘populist hype’: a feminist critique of a globalising concept. Review of International Studies, 45(5), 768-785.

Mondon, A. (2015). ‘Populism, the people and the illusion of democracy: the Front National and UKIP in a comparative context’, French Politics, 13(2):141–156.

Mondon, A. (2022a). Populism, public opinion and the mainstreaming of the far right: the “immigration issue” and the construction of a reactionary “people”. Politics.

Mondon, A. (2022b). Epistemologies of ignorance in far right studies: the invisibilisation of racism and whiteness in times of populist hype. Acta Politica.

Mondon, A. & Winter, A. (2020a). Reactionary Democracy: How racism and the populist far right became mainstream. London: Verso.

Mondon, A. & Winter, A. (2020b). From demonization to normalization: Reflecting on far right research. In S. D. Ashe, J. Busher, G. Macklin, A. Winter (eds.) Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge.

Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Newth, G. (2021). Rethinking “Nativism”: Beyond the ideational approach. Identities. Online first.

Rancière, J. (2005). La haine de la démocratie. Paris: La fabrique.

Rooduijn, M. (2018). State of the field: How to study populism and adjacent topics? A plea for both more and less focus. European Journal of Political Research, 58(1), 362-372.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Nikisianis, N., Kioupkiolis, A. and Siomos, T. (2018). Populism, anti-populism and crisis. Contemporary Political Theory, 17(1), 4-27.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Nikisianis, N., Kioupkiolis, A. and Siomos, T. (2017). Extreme right-wing populism in Europe: revisiting a reified association. Critical Discourse Studies, 14(4), 420-439.

Vergara, C. (2020). Populism as Plebeian Politics: Inequality, Domination, and Popular Empowerment. The Journal of Political Philosophy. 28(2), 222-246.

Zuberi, T. & Bonilla-Silva, E. (2008). White logic, White methods: Racism and methodology. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


Full Text

Populism (studies) does not exist, but it still matters

Aurelien Mondon, University of Bath


Albertazzi, D. and McDonnell, D. (2008). Twenty-First Century Populism: The Spectre of Western European Democracy. London: Palgrave.

Bale, T., van Kessel, S. & Taggart, P. (2011). Thrown around with abandon? Popular understandings of populism as conveyed by the print media: A UK case study. Acta Politica, 46, 111–131.

Bourdieu, P. (1973). L’opinion publique n’existe pas. Temps Moderne, 318, 1292-1309

Brown, K. and Mondon, A. (2021). Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study. Politics, 41(3), 279-295.

Brown, K. (2022). forthcoming. Talking ‘with’ and ‘about’ the far right: putting the mainstream in mainstreaming. PhD Thesis. Bath: University of Bath.

Collovald, A. (2004). Le populisme du FN: un dangereux contresens. Bellecombe-en-Bauges: Ed. Du Croquant.

Dean, J. and Maiguashca, B. (2020). Did somebody say populism? Towards a renewal and reorientation of populism studies. Journal of Political Ideologies, 25(1), 11-27.

De Cleen, B., Glynos, J. and Mondon, A. (2018). Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement. Organization, 25(5), 649-661.

De Cleen, B. & Glynos J. (2021). Beyond Populism Studies’, Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 178-195.

Eklundh, E. (2020). Excluding emotions: The performative function of populism. Partecipazione e Conflitto 13(1), 107-131.

Glynos, J. & Mondon, A. (2016). The Political Logic of Populist Hype: The Case of Right-Wing Populism’s ‘Meteoric Rise’ and Its Relation to the Status Quo. Populismus Working Paper Series, No. 4.

Goyvaerts, J. (2021). The Academic Voice in Media Debates on Populism. Populismus Working Papers, No. 12.

Goyvaerts, J., Brown, K., Mondon, A., De Cleen, B. and Glynos, J. (2023 forthcoming). On the Politics of ‘Populism’: The Case of Populist Hype. In Katsambekis, G. and Stavrakakis, Y. (eds.) Elgar Research Handbook on Populism. Cheltenham: Elgar.

Hunger, S. and Paxton, F. (2021). What’s in a buzzword? A systematic review of the state of populism research in political science. Political Science Research and Methods, online first.

Karavasilis, L. (2022). Populism and Other -Isms: Comparing left- and right-wing populism in Greece and Germany.Doctoral thesis. Loughborough: Loughborough University.

Katsambekis, G. (2016). The populist surge in post-democratic times: Theoretical and political challenges. The Political Quarterly, 88(2), 1–9.

Katsambekis, G. (2020). Constructing ‘the people’ of populism: a critique of the ideational approach from a discursive perspective. Journal of Political Ideologies, 27(1), 53-74.

Kim, S. (2021). Taking stock of the field of populism research: Are ideational approaches ‘moralistic’ and post-foundational discursive approaches ‘normative’?. Politics, online first.

Lentin, A. (2020). Why Race Still Matters. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Maiguashca, B. (2019). Resisting the ‘populist hype’: a feminist critique of a globalising concept. Review of International Studies, 45(5), 768-785.

Mondon, A. (2015). ‘Populism, the people and the illusion of democracy: the Front National and UKIP in a comparative context’, French Politics, 13(2):141–156.

Mondon, A. (2022a). Populism, public opinion and the mainstreaming of the far right: the “immigration issue” and the construction of a reactionary “people”. Politics.

Mondon, A. (2022b). Epistemologies of ignorance in far right studies: the invisibilisation of racism and whiteness in times of populist hype. Acta Politica.

Mondon, A. & Winter, A. (2020a). Reactionary Democracy: How racism and the populist far right became mainstream. London: Verso.

Mondon, A. & Winter, A. (2020b). From demonization to normalization: Reflecting on far right research. In S. D. Ashe, J. Busher, G. Macklin, A. Winter (eds.) Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge.

Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Newth, G. (2021). Rethinking “Nativism”: Beyond the ideational approach. Identities. Online first.

Rancière, J. (2005). La haine de la démocratie. Paris: La fabrique.

Rooduijn, M. (2018). State of the field: How to study populism and adjacent topics? A plea for both more and less focus. European Journal of Political Research, 58(1), 362-372.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Nikisianis, N., Kioupkiolis, A. and Siomos, T. (2018). Populism, anti-populism and crisis. Contemporary Political Theory, 17(1), 4-27.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Nikisianis, N., Kioupkiolis, A. and Siomos, T. (2017). Extreme right-wing populism in Europe: revisiting a reified association. Critical Discourse Studies, 14(4), 420-439.

Vergara, C. (2020). Populism as Plebeian Politics: Inequality, Domination, and Popular Empowerment. The Journal of Political Philosophy. 28(2), 222-246.

Zuberi, T. & Bonilla-Silva, E. (2008). White logic, White methods: Racism and methodology. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


Full Text

Populism (studies) does not exist, but it still matters

Aurelien Mondon, University of Bath


Albertazzi, D. and McDonnell, D. (2008). Twenty-First Century Populism: The Spectre of Western European Democracy. London: Palgrave.

Bale, T., van Kessel, S. & Taggart, P. (2011). Thrown around with abandon? Popular understandings of populism as conveyed by the print media: A UK case study. Acta Politica, 46, 111–131.

Bourdieu, P. (1973). L’opinion publique n’existe pas. Temps Moderne, 318, 1292-1309

Brown, K. and Mondon, A. (2021). Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study. Politics, 41(3), 279-295.

Brown, K. (2022). forthcoming. Talking ‘with’ and ‘about’ the far right: putting the mainstream in mainstreaming. PhD Thesis. Bath: University of Bath.

Collovald, A. (2004). Le populisme du FN: un dangereux contresens. Bellecombe-en-Bauges: Ed. Du Croquant.

Dean, J. and Maiguashca, B. (2020). Did somebody say populism? Towards a renewal and reorientation of populism studies. Journal of Political Ideologies, 25(1), 11-27.

De Cleen, B., Glynos, J. and Mondon, A. (2018). Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement. Organization, 25(5), 649-661.

De Cleen, B. & Glynos J. (2021). Beyond Populism Studies’, Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 178-195.

Eklundh, E. (2020). Excluding emotions: The performative function of populism. Partecipazione e Conflitto 13(1), 107-131.

Glynos, J. & Mondon, A. (2016). The Political Logic of Populist Hype: The Case of Right-Wing Populism’s ‘Meteoric Rise’ and Its Relation to the Status Quo. Populismus Working Paper Series, No. 4.

Goyvaerts, J. (2021). The Academic Voice in Media Debates on Populism. Populismus Working Papers, No. 12.

Goyvaerts, J., Brown, K., Mondon, A., De Cleen, B. and Glynos, J. (2023 forthcoming). On the Politics of ‘Populism’: The Case of Populist Hype. In Katsambekis, G. and Stavrakakis, Y. (eds.) Elgar Research Handbook on Populism. Cheltenham: Elgar.

Hunger, S. and Paxton, F. (2021). What’s in a buzzword? A systematic review of the state of populism research in political science. Political Science Research and Methods, online first.

Karavasilis, L. (2022). Populism and Other -Isms: Comparing left- and right-wing populism in Greece and Germany.Doctoral thesis. Loughborough: Loughborough University.

Katsambekis, G. (2016). The populist surge in post-democratic times: Theoretical and political challenges. The Political Quarterly, 88(2), 1–9.

Katsambekis, G. (2020). Constructing ‘the people’ of populism: a critique of the ideational approach from a discursive perspective. Journal of Political Ideologies, 27(1), 53-74.

Kim, S. (2021). Taking stock of the field of populism research: Are ideational approaches ‘moralistic’ and post-foundational discursive approaches ‘normative’?. Politics, online first.

Lentin, A. (2020). Why Race Still Matters. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Maiguashca, B. (2019). Resisting the ‘populist hype’: a feminist critique of a globalising concept. Review of International Studies, 45(5), 768-785.

Mondon, A. (2015). ‘Populism, the people and the illusion of democracy: the Front National and UKIP in a comparative context’, French Politics, 13(2):141–156.

Mondon, A. (2022a). Populism, public opinion and the mainstreaming of the far right: the “immigration issue” and the construction of a reactionary “people”. Politics.

Mondon, A. (2022b). Epistemologies of ignorance in far right studies: the invisibilisation of racism and whiteness in times of populist hype. Acta Politica.

Mondon, A. & Winter, A. (2020a). Reactionary Democracy: How racism and the populist far right became mainstream. London: Verso.

Mondon, A. & Winter, A. (2020b). From demonization to normalization: Reflecting on far right research. In S. D. Ashe, J. Busher, G. Macklin, A. Winter (eds.) Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge.

Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Newth, G. (2021). Rethinking “Nativism”: Beyond the ideational approach. Identities. Online first.

Rancière, J. (2005). La haine de la démocratie. Paris: La fabrique.

Rooduijn, M. (2018). State of the field: How to study populism and adjacent topics? A plea for both more and less focus. European Journal of Political Research, 58(1), 362-372.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Nikisianis, N., Kioupkiolis, A. and Siomos, T. (2018). Populism, anti-populism and crisis. Contemporary Political Theory, 17(1), 4-27.

Stavrakakis, Y., Katsambekis, G., Nikisianis, N., Kioupkiolis, A. and Siomos, T. (2017). Extreme right-wing populism in Europe: revisiting a reified association. Critical Discourse Studies, 14(4), 420-439.

Vergara, C. (2020). Populism as Plebeian Politics: Inequality, Domination, and Popular Empowerment. The Journal of Political Philosophy. 28(2), 222-246.

Zuberi, T. & Bonilla-Silva, E. (2008). White logic, White methods: Racism and methodology. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.