
Full Text

Time for a change: Replacing the populist model with elite theory

N. Scott Cole


Abts, K., & Van Kessel, S.  (2015).  Populism.  In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences.  Elsevier.

Acemoglu, K. D., Egorov, G., & Sonin, K.  (2013, May).  A political theory of populism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(2), 771-805.

Bale, T.  (2019, December 2).  Brexit shows how a tiny party can have big consequences.  Washington Post.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/02/brexit-shows-how-tiny-party-can-have-big-consequences/

Barr, R. R.  (2019).  Populism as a political strategy.  In Carlos de La Torre (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of global populism.  Routledge.

Best, H., & Higley, J.  (2018).  The Palgrave handbook of political elites:  Introduction.  In H. Best & J. Higley (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Brett, W.  (2013, July-September).  What’s an elite to do?  The threat of populism from left, right, and                            centre.  The Political Quarterly, 84(3), 410-413. 

Cole, N. S.  (2020, March).  Closing the drain:  Interest groups and the populist president.  International Social Science Review, 96(1).  https://digitalcommons.northgeorgia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1409&context=issr

Dahl, R. A.  (1957, July).  The concept of power.  Behavioral Science, 2(3), 201-215.

Dahl, R. A.  (2005).  Who governs?  Democracy and power in an American city (2nd ed.).  Yale University Press. 

De Graaff, N., & Van Apeldoorn, B.  (2021, November).  The transnationalist US foreign-policy elite in exile? A comparative network analysis of the Trump administration. Global Networks, 21(2), 238-264.

De la Torre, C., & Anselmi, M.  (2019).  Epilogue:  Areas for future research.  In C. de la Torre (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of global populism.  Routledge. 

De Mesquita, B. B., & Smith, A.  (2011).  The Dictator’s handbook:  Why bad behavior is almost always good politics. Public Affairs.

De Saint-Simon, H. C.  (1825/1952). On social organization.  In F. M. H. Markham (Ed.), Selected writings: Henri Comte de Saint-Simon (1760-1825).  Basil Blackwell.

Domhoff, G. W.  (1983).  Who rules America now?  A view for the ‘80s.  Simon & Schuster.

Drezner, D. W.  (2017, Summer). The angry populist as a foreign policy leader: Real change or just hot air?  Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 41(2), 23-43. 

Duncan, C.  (2021, October 16).  French think Boris Johnson is a “populist incapable of keeping his word.”  The Independent.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-brexit-france-eu-b1939594.html

Dye, T. R.  (1976).  Who’s running America?  Institutional leadership in the United States.  Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Dye, T. R., & Zeigler, H.  (2009).  The irony of democracy:  An uncommon introduction to American politics.  Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Ebenstein, W., & Ebenstein, A. O.  (1990).  Burke.  In W. Ebenstein & A. O. Ebenstein (Eds.), Great political thinkers: Plato to the present (5th ed).  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers.

Gaventa, J.  (1982).  Power and powerlessness: Quiescence and rebellion in an Appalachian valley. University of Illinois Press.

Goodwyn, L.  (1976).  Democratic promise:  The populist moment in America.  Oxford University Press.

Heinisch, R. C., Holtz-Bacha, C., & Mazzoleni, O.  (Eds).  (2017).  Introduction.  In Political populism: A handbook.  Nomos. 

Hellinger, D., & Judd, D. R. (1991). The democratic facade. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

Hennessy, A.  (1969).  Latin America.  In G. Ionescu & E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism:  Its meaning and national characteristics. Macmillan Publishers.

Higley, J.  (2010). Elite Theory.  In  G. T. K Kurian & J. E. Alt (Eds.), The encyclopedia of political science. CQ Press.

Hoffmann-Lange, U.  (2018).  Methods of elite identification.  In H. Best & J. Higley, (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of political elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Hofstadter, R.  (1969). North America.  In G. Ionescu & E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism:  Its meaning and national characteristics. Macmillan Publishers.

Howell, W. G., & Moe, T. M.  (2020).  Presidents, populism, and the crisis of democracy.  The University of Chicago Press.

Howell, W. G., & Moe, T. M.  (2021, Spring).  America’s crisis of democracy. Political Science Quarterly, 136(1), 105-127.

Hunter, F.  (1953).  Community power structure:  A study of decision makers.  The University of North Carolina Press.

Huntington, S. P.  (1975).  Chapter III.  In M. Crozier, S. P. Huntington, & J. Watanuki (Eds.), The crisis of democracy: Report on the governability of democracies to the trilateral commission. New York University Press.

Ionescu, G., & Gellner, E. (Eds.).  (1969).  Populism:  Its meaning and national characteristics. Macmillan Publishers.

James, P.  (2004, February 5).  The people versus the powerful.  The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/feb/05/uselections2004.usa4

Judis, J. B.  (2016).  The populist explosion:  How the great recession transformed American and European politics.  Columbia Global Reports.

Kaltwasser, C. R., Taggart P., Espejo, P. O., & Ostiguy, P.  (2017).  Populism:  An overview of the concept and the state of the art.  In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. O. Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism.  Oxford University Press.

Keller, F. B.  (2018).  Analyses of elite networks.  In H. Best & J. Higley (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of political elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Laclau, E.  (2005).  On Populist Reason.  Verso.

Lai, K. K. R., &  Parlapiano, A.  (2016, December 15).  Outsiders, insiders, and multimillionaires in Trump’s cabinet.  The New York Times.  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/12/05/us/politics/trump-cabinet-insiders-outsiders-millionaires.html

Lambert, L.  (2019, January 9).  Trump nominates acting EPA head, an ex-coal lobbyist, to run agency. Reuters.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-epa/trump-nominates-acting-epa-head-an-ex-coal-lobbyist-to-run-agency-idUSKCN1P324H

Lasswell, H. D.  (1936).  Politics:  Who gets what, when, and how.  Whittlesey House. 

Lasswell, H. D.  (1952).  The comparative study of elites:  An introduction and bibliography.  Stanford                           University Press.

Lukes, S.  (2005).  Power:  A radical view (2nd. ed). Palgrave Macmillan.

Lynd, R. S., & Helen, M. L.  (1937).  Middletown in transition: A study in cultural conflicts.  Harcourt, Brace and Company.

Marx, K., & Engels, F.  (1848/1985).  The communist manifesto. Penguin Books.

Michels, R.  (1911/2009). Political Parties:  A sociological study of the oligarchical tendencies of modern democracy. Transaction Publishers.

Mills, C. W.  (1956/2000). The power elite (new ed.).  Oxford University Press.

Mora, D.  (2019, October 15).  Update:  We found a ‘staggering’ 281 lobbyists who’ve worked in the Trump administration. ProPublica.  https://www.propublica.org/article/we-found-a-staggering-281-lobbyists-whove-worked-in-the-trump-administration

Morgan, A. C., LaBerge, N., Larremore, D. B., Galesic, M., & Clauset, A.  (2021, March 22). Socioeconomic roots of academic faculty.  SocArXiv Papers.  https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/6wjxc

Mosca, G.  (1939).  The ruling class.  McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Mounk, Y.  (2018).  The people vs. democracy:  Why our freedom is in danger and how to save it. Harvard University Press.

Mudde, C., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2017).  Populism: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.

Muller, J. W.  (2016).  What is populism?  University of Pennsylvania Press.

Oliver, J. E., & Rahn, W. M.  (2016, September).  Rise of the Trumpenvolk:  Populism in the 2016 election. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 667(1), 189-206. 

Ostiguy, P.  (2017).  Populism:  A socio-cultural approach.  In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. O. Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism.  Oxford University Press.

Palkuski, J.  (2018).  The development of elite theory.  In H. Best & J. Higley (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of political elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Parenti, M.  (2011).  Democracy for the few (9th ed). Wadsworth. 

Pareto, V.  (1901/1968). The rise and fall of the elites: An application of theoretical sociology. The Bedminster Press.

Parmar, I.  (2017, June).Elites and American power in an era of anti-elitism.  International Politics 54(3). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41311-017-0036-x

Pengelly, M.  (2018, March 29).  Biden:  I regret saying I’d ‘beat the hell’ out of Trump for making lewd remarks. The Guardian.  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/mar/29/joe-biden-donald-trump-beat-the-hell

Polsby, N. W. (1963). Community power and political theory. Yale University Press.

Protess, B.  (2018, January 17).  He leaked a photo of Rick Perry hugging a coal executive.  Then he lost his job.  The New York Times.  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/17/business/rick-perry-energy-photographer.html

Putnam, R. D.  (1976).  The comparative study of political elites.  Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Rachman, G.  (2020, May 25).  Jair Bolsonaro’s populism is leading Brazil to disaster.  Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/c39fadfe-9e60-11ea-b65d-489c67b0d85d

Reilly, K.  (2016, September).  Read Hillary Clinton’s ‘basket of deplorables’ remarks about Donald Trump supporters. Time.  https://time.com/4486502/hillary-clinton-basket-of-deplorables-transcript/

Said, E. W.  (1979).  Orientalism.  Vintage Books. 

Schattschneider, E. E. (1975).  The semisovereign people:  A realist’s view of democracy in America. The Dryden Press.

Schier, S. E., & Eberly, T. E.  (2017).  The Trump presidency:  Outsider in the Oval Office.  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, (Kindle).

Schumpeter, J. A.  (1962).  Capitalism, socialism, and democracy (3rd ed.). Harper Torchbooks.

Shipman, A., Edmunds, J., & Turner, B. S.  (2018).  The new power elite:  Inequality, politics, and greed.  Anthem Press.

Simon, D. R.  (2018).  Elite Deviance (11th ed.).  Routledge.

Taggart, P.  (2000).  Populism. Open University Press.

Trump, M. L.  (2020).  Too much and never enough:  How my family created the world’s most dangerous man.  Simon & Schuster.

Urbinati, N.  (2018, November).  Political theory of populism.  Annual Review of Political Science, 22,111-127.

Watts, J.  (2017, June 1).  Operation car wash:  Is this the biggest corruption scandal in history?  The Guardian.  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/01/brazil-operation-car-wash-is-this-the-biggest-corruption-scandal-in-history

Weyland, K.  (2017).  Populism:  A political-strategic approach.  In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. O. Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism.  Oxford University Press. 

Zelnick, R.  (2001, January 30).  Why the new populism won’t go away.  Hoover Institution. https://www.hoover.org/research/why-new-populism-wont-go-away


Full Text

Time for a change: Replacing the populist model with elite theory

N. Scott Cole


Abts, K., & Van Kessel, S.  (2015).  Populism.  In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences.  Elsevier.

Acemoglu, K. D., Egorov, G., & Sonin, K.  (2013, May).  A political theory of populism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(2), 771-805.

Bale, T.  (2019, December 2).  Brexit shows how a tiny party can have big consequences.  Washington Post.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/02/brexit-shows-how-tiny-party-can-have-big-consequences/

Barr, R. R.  (2019).  Populism as a political strategy.  In Carlos de La Torre (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of global populism.  Routledge.

Best, H., & Higley, J.  (2018).  The Palgrave handbook of political elites:  Introduction.  In H. Best & J. Higley (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Brett, W.  (2013, July-September).  What’s an elite to do?  The threat of populism from left, right, and                            centre.  The Political Quarterly, 84(3), 410-413. 

Cole, N. S.  (2020, March).  Closing the drain:  Interest groups and the populist president.  International Social Science Review, 96(1).  https://digitalcommons.northgeorgia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1409&context=issr

Dahl, R. A.  (1957, July).  The concept of power.  Behavioral Science, 2(3), 201-215.

Dahl, R. A.  (2005).  Who governs?  Democracy and power in an American city (2nd ed.).  Yale University Press. 

De Graaff, N., & Van Apeldoorn, B.  (2021, November).  The transnationalist US foreign-policy elite in exile? A comparative network analysis of the Trump administration. Global Networks, 21(2), 238-264.

De la Torre, C., & Anselmi, M.  (2019).  Epilogue:  Areas for future research.  In C. de la Torre (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of global populism.  Routledge. 

De Mesquita, B. B., & Smith, A.  (2011).  The Dictator’s handbook:  Why bad behavior is almost always good politics. Public Affairs.

De Saint-Simon, H. C.  (1825/1952). On social organization.  In F. M. H. Markham (Ed.), Selected writings: Henri Comte de Saint-Simon (1760-1825).  Basil Blackwell.

Domhoff, G. W.  (1983).  Who rules America now?  A view for the ‘80s.  Simon & Schuster.

Drezner, D. W.  (2017, Summer). The angry populist as a foreign policy leader: Real change or just hot air?  Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 41(2), 23-43. 

Duncan, C.  (2021, October 16).  French think Boris Johnson is a “populist incapable of keeping his word.”  The Independent.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-brexit-france-eu-b1939594.html

Dye, T. R.  (1976).  Who’s running America?  Institutional leadership in the United States.  Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Dye, T. R., & Zeigler, H.  (2009).  The irony of democracy:  An uncommon introduction to American politics.  Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Ebenstein, W., & Ebenstein, A. O.  (1990).  Burke.  In W. Ebenstein & A. O. Ebenstein (Eds.), Great political thinkers: Plato to the present (5th ed).  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers.

Gaventa, J.  (1982).  Power and powerlessness: Quiescence and rebellion in an Appalachian valley. University of Illinois Press.

Goodwyn, L.  (1976).  Democratic promise:  The populist moment in America.  Oxford University Press.

Heinisch, R. C., Holtz-Bacha, C., & Mazzoleni, O.  (Eds).  (2017).  Introduction.  In Political populism: A handbook.  Nomos. 

Hellinger, D., & Judd, D. R. (1991). The democratic facade. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

Hennessy, A.  (1969).  Latin America.  In G. Ionescu & E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism:  Its meaning and national characteristics. Macmillan Publishers.

Higley, J.  (2010). Elite Theory.  In  G. T. K Kurian & J. E. Alt (Eds.), The encyclopedia of political science. CQ Press.

Hoffmann-Lange, U.  (2018).  Methods of elite identification.  In H. Best & J. Higley, (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of political elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Hofstadter, R.  (1969). North America.  In G. Ionescu & E. Gellner (Eds.), Populism:  Its meaning and national characteristics. Macmillan Publishers.

Howell, W. G., & Moe, T. M.  (2020).  Presidents, populism, and the crisis of democracy.  The University of Chicago Press.

Howell, W. G., & Moe, T. M.  (2021, Spring).  America’s crisis of democracy. Political Science Quarterly, 136(1), 105-127.

Hunter, F.  (1953).  Community power structure:  A study of decision makers.  The University of North Carolina Press.

Huntington, S. P.  (1975).  Chapter III.  In M. Crozier, S. P. Huntington, & J. Watanuki (Eds.), The crisis of democracy: Report on the governability of democracies to the trilateral commission. New York University Press.

Ionescu, G., & Gellner, E. (Eds.).  (1969).  Populism:  Its meaning and national characteristics. Macmillan Publishers.

James, P.  (2004, February 5).  The people versus the powerful.  The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/feb/05/uselections2004.usa4

Judis, J. B.  (2016).  The populist explosion:  How the great recession transformed American and European politics.  Columbia Global Reports.

Kaltwasser, C. R., Taggart P., Espejo, P. O., & Ostiguy, P.  (2017).  Populism:  An overview of the concept and the state of the art.  In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. O. Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism.  Oxford University Press.

Keller, F. B.  (2018).  Analyses of elite networks.  In H. Best & J. Higley (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of political elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Laclau, E.  (2005).  On Populist Reason.  Verso.

Lai, K. K. R., &  Parlapiano, A.  (2016, December 15).  Outsiders, insiders, and multimillionaires in Trump’s cabinet.  The New York Times.  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/12/05/us/politics/trump-cabinet-insiders-outsiders-millionaires.html

Lambert, L.  (2019, January 9).  Trump nominates acting EPA head, an ex-coal lobbyist, to run agency. Reuters.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-epa/trump-nominates-acting-epa-head-an-ex-coal-lobbyist-to-run-agency-idUSKCN1P324H

Lasswell, H. D.  (1936).  Politics:  Who gets what, when, and how.  Whittlesey House. 

Lasswell, H. D.  (1952).  The comparative study of elites:  An introduction and bibliography.  Stanford                           University Press.

Lukes, S.  (2005).  Power:  A radical view (2nd. ed). Palgrave Macmillan.

Lynd, R. S., & Helen, M. L.  (1937).  Middletown in transition: A study in cultural conflicts.  Harcourt, Brace and Company.

Marx, K., & Engels, F.  (1848/1985).  The communist manifesto. Penguin Books.

Michels, R.  (1911/2009). Political Parties:  A sociological study of the oligarchical tendencies of modern democracy. Transaction Publishers.

Mills, C. W.  (1956/2000). The power elite (new ed.).  Oxford University Press.

Mora, D.  (2019, October 15).  Update:  We found a ‘staggering’ 281 lobbyists who’ve worked in the Trump administration. ProPublica.  https://www.propublica.org/article/we-found-a-staggering-281-lobbyists-whove-worked-in-the-trump-administration

Morgan, A. C., LaBerge, N., Larremore, D. B., Galesic, M., & Clauset, A.  (2021, March 22). Socioeconomic roots of academic faculty.  SocArXiv Papers.  https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/6wjxc

Mosca, G.  (1939).  The ruling class.  McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Mounk, Y.  (2018).  The people vs. democracy:  Why our freedom is in danger and how to save it. Harvard University Press.

Mudde, C., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2017).  Populism: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.

Muller, J. W.  (2016).  What is populism?  University of Pennsylvania Press.

Oliver, J. E., & Rahn, W. M.  (2016, September).  Rise of the Trumpenvolk:  Populism in the 2016 election. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 667(1), 189-206. 

Ostiguy, P.  (2017).  Populism:  A socio-cultural approach.  In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. O. Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism.  Oxford University Press.

Palkuski, J.  (2018).  The development of elite theory.  In H. Best & J. Higley (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of political elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Parenti, M.  (2011).  Democracy for the few (9th ed). Wadsworth. 

Pareto, V.  (1901/1968). The rise and fall of the elites: An application of theoretical sociology. The Bedminster Press.

Parmar, I.  (2017, June).Elites and American power in an era of anti-elitism.  International Politics 54(3). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41311-017-0036-x

Pengelly, M.  (2018, March 29).  Biden:  I regret saying I’d ‘beat the hell’ out of Trump for making lewd remarks. The Guardian.  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/mar/29/joe-biden-donald-trump-beat-the-hell

Polsby, N. W. (1963). Community power and political theory. Yale University Press.

Protess, B.  (2018, January 17).  He leaked a photo of Rick Perry hugging a coal executive.  Then he lost his job.  The New York Times.  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/17/business/rick-perry-energy-photographer.html

Putnam, R. D.  (1976).  The comparative study of political elites.  Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Rachman, G.  (2020, May 25).  Jair Bolsonaro’s populism is leading Brazil to disaster.  Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/c39fadfe-9e60-11ea-b65d-489c67b0d85d

Reilly, K.  (2016, September).  Read Hillary Clinton’s ‘basket of deplorables’ remarks about Donald Trump supporters. Time.  https://time.com/4486502/hillary-clinton-basket-of-deplorables-transcript/

Said, E. W.  (1979).  Orientalism.  Vintage Books. 

Schattschneider, E. E. (1975).  The semisovereign people:  A realist’s view of democracy in America. The Dryden Press.

Schier, S. E., & Eberly, T. E.  (2017).  The Trump presidency:  Outsider in the Oval Office.  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, (Kindle).

Schumpeter, J. A.  (1962).  Capitalism, socialism, and democracy (3rd ed.). Harper Torchbooks.

Shipman, A., Edmunds, J., & Turner, B. S.  (2018).  The new power elite:  Inequality, politics, and greed.  Anthem Press.

Simon, D. R.  (2018).  Elite Deviance (11th ed.).  Routledge.

Taggart, P.  (2000).  Populism. Open University Press.

Trump, M. L.  (2020).  Too much and never enough:  How my family created the world’s most dangerous man.  Simon & Schuster.

Urbinati, N.  (2018, November).  Political theory of populism.  Annual Review of Political Science, 22,111-127.

Watts, J.  (2017, June 1).  Operation car wash:  Is this the biggest corruption scandal in history?  The Guardian.  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/01/brazil-operation-car-wash-is-this-the-biggest-corruption-scandal-in-history

Weyland, K.  (2017).  Populism:  A political-strategic approach.  In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. O. Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of populism.  Oxford University Press. 

Zelnick, R.  (2001, January 30).  Why the new populism won’t go away.  Hoover Institution. https://www.hoover.org/research/why-new-populism-wont-go-away


Full Text

Time for a change: Replacing the populist model with elite theory

N. Scott Cole


Abts, K., & Van Kessel, S.  (2015).  Populism.  In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences.  Elsevier.

Acemoglu, K. D., Egorov, G., & Sonin, K.  (2013, May).  A political theory of populism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(2), 771-805.

Bale, T.  (2019, December 2).  Brexit shows how a tiny party can have big consequences.  Washington Post.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/02/brexit-shows-how-tiny-party-can-have-big-consequences/

Barr, R. R.  (2019).  Populism as a political strategy.  In Carlos de La Torre (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of global populism.  Routledge.

Best, H., & Higley, J.  (2018).  The Palgrave handbook of political elites:  Introduction.  In H. Best & J. Higley (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Brett, W.  (2013, July-September).  What’s an elite to do?  The threat of populism from left, right, and                            centre.  The Political Quarterly, 84(3), 410-413. 

Cole, N. S.  (2020, March).  Closing the drain:  Interest groups and the populist president.  International Social Science Review, 96(1).  https://digitalcommons.northgeorgia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1409&context=issr

Dahl, R. A.  (1957, July).  The concept of power.  Behavioral Science, 2(3), 201-215.

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